Anyone catch what's goin' on at Tweeter?

Is anyone keeping track of what's happening in the Tweeter Bankruptcy/Liquidation situation?
I think it's noteworthy, as an audio/video electronics shopper and former retail av guy myself, that it all can and likely will happen in retail eventually! Apperently you've got employees and paying customers alike, whom Tweeter owed money and or merchandise, that's locked in limbo in the situation! That's gotta blow!
Anyway, maybe there will be a deal or two to be had if they open their doors to blow out some merchandise (we'll see if the liquidation deals(?) are anything to write home about, like they were when Comp USA closed stores). Also, wonder if Circuit will have any scavenger specials here soon?
By liquidator, I mean someone who goes in and sells the stuff out of the retail locations. They hire kids to stand on the street with those big yellow and black signs and buy ads in the papers. They will gradually cut prices 10% at a time, and they depend on what I would call charitably call uneducated consumers. This is what has been done at numerous retail chains including recently one of those linens places. By the time they get to a price that beats the internet there is usually nothing of any value left. Now I don't know if that's what they will do, but I wouldn't be surprised.
well, looks like they're not re-opening the doors at Tweeter after all. I also bet you that they're going to RIP OFF THE EMPLOYEE'S AND WHOEVER ELSE BOUGHT STUFF ON ORDER! ..that stinketh.
Well, that's business...and in this case, looks like Tweeter's "giving the business" to it's people!!! Wow.
Well I guess there are no garantee's in this life - except never having a season in professional sports where some high profile player gets arrested, and of course T.O. having a blow up and fall out with Jerry Jones, and getting eventually kicked off the Cowboy's.
But besides all of that, it can all happen in retail, seems like.
So, I guess the liquidation company is going to have a little "garage sale" of sorts in some warehouse eventually. Lol. Yep, they sure musta got a screamin' deal on the stuff. Maybe there'll be a deal or two. Or even better, if you were a former Tweeter employee, maybe you can buy a bunch of that stuff back for a "package deal", then sell it a piece at a time on ebay, trying to get your money back from the paycheck they stiffed ya for in the fist place! - doh!
about 12 or 18 months ago tweeter closed a bunch (all?) of their Southern California stores. I went down to one near San Diego and found the "deals" to be pretty weak. I think it was on the order 20% off MSRP.

I did talk to one of the guys working there and they said they had another few weeks at that location, after which the store would be closed and the inventory moved to another retail location. I don't know if this is standard practice, but considering that each employee has a cost, the practice does make sense to consolidate the number of open store fronts.