Amplification for Magico S1 (mk i)


I could use some advice.
I own a pair of Magico S1 (mk i) and I was running them with a Mcintosh 7000.   I didn't love the sound- soundstage seemed a little too recessed and flat;  on the other hand the width was quite good.   What is interesting, and which surpised me, was that the Mac had to work hard to drive the S1's which are not an the easiest load at 4ohm (which can dip to a tad over 3) and have a sensitivity of 86db.  Still the Mac should not have had any problems negotiating this speaker so I was a little puzzled- on several occasions the Mac clipped without playing particularly load.
Anyway, it turns out the Mac had something wrong with it and it is now in for service.  In the meantime, when I got the Magico's I was planning to move to separates anyway which brings me to the original question- what amplification might work well?
I currently own a Primaluna Dialogue premium pre-amp which I always wanted to try.  So now I am looking for some good amplifier choices.  I have the possibility of picking up a pair of rogue M180's but I have also been very intrigued by some of the new interesting solid state options that have cropped recently- namely:
PS Audio M700
Benchmark AHB2 (single unit in stereo)

I am trying to stick to somewhere around $3k, new or used, and these seem like some very exciting products.  I realize I will only be able to judge with my own ears but I would be interested in hearing your views and considerations as to which way to go (including the rogue).

Many thx.
I have Magicos i would look at used Pass 250.5  it would be a great match.
yes, i had thought about Pass Labs- if i could find a good .5 series I would consider it although they tend to be fairly expensive even used.  Is 250 watts necessary for the S1?
Notwithstanding the issues I had with Mac I am running the S1 with a Unison Research Unico SE, which is rated at some 140 watts into 8 ohms but i barely manage to turn up the volume knob 1/5 to 1/4 of the way before it gets much too loud.
I used a SimAudio 600i (250 watts into 4 ohms) with my S1 in a smaller room and it had plenty of punch and volume.   I still felt though the speakers could use some more power to get them to really ‘boogie’.   I then jumped to a 250.8 and it wasn’t night and day but the extra power was noticeable when the volume went up and the bass was better as one would expect.   The punchy 250 from the 600i was certainly adequate in my 12x17 room in hind sight for my listening levels.   So yea, a used 250.5 would be a great choice if you can find one in your price range.  A used Modwright KWA150se might be a good choice too.   I had a KWA100se for a year or so and I think it’s sonic signature would mate well with the S1.
I've heard Alon Wolf is fond of and recommends Hegel amplifiers.  There are some H20s available here now in your price range.  Best of luck.