Focal Aria 926/936

I know the comparison of these two speakers has been brought up here before, but most of the conversation seems to be around the bass response. Despite having slightly lower frequency response, does anyone have any experience comparing the two in other areas of the frequency spectrum? My dealer mentioned that the mid-range driver is crossed over both higher and lower delivering better sound.

I'm leaning toward the 926 since my listening room is only 15' x 15'. Also, the height of the 936 puts the tweeter quite a bit above my ears.
The 948 is virtually identical to the 936 in every possible way! It projects the mid-range a bit differently because of the much wider baffle and that's about it. The 826W is arguably a better speaker than the 926 and performs quite similarly to the 926. If you don't think a big fat 12dB hump is going to sound very bass heavy in a 15x15 room as opposed to a more modest 6dB hump, I don't know what to tell you. I listened to the 926 and 948 for about 3.5 hours before buying the 936 sight unseen based entirely off the way the 948 does bass. 
No matter how you cut the cake the 936 is going to generate a bass hump around 18dB in that room unless he employs clusters of bass traps. If you see it otherwise, please explain. 
Sorry, but I can’t take you seriously after the first sentence.

Yes, I did read the rest. In the interest of keeping things civil, all I will say is you are wildly misinformed and short sighted.

Lets start with the simple comment thay the 826 is better than the 926 based on what?  The W drivers?  Focal released the Kanta with “inferior” drivers to the Electra, and increased the price by $3,000.  A speaker is much more than the sum of its parts.
You're radically misinformed if you think the Kanta No.2 uses the same F cone drivers found in the 926. About they only thing they share is the F cone itself. The W cone drivers in the 826W are pretty much the same as those used in the Electra. No fancy motor work. No tuned dampers. Just basic W cone drivers, but smaller. Look at the measurements between the 936 and 826W. Depending on what's measured, one just edges out the other here or there. They're very similar speakers and I think it's VERY reasonable to presume the 926 would fall somewhere inside of where those two perform. I'm personally a big believer in the F cone. I think it has some superior characteristics to the W cone which bear out in measurement and listening. I think the difference between the two is really up to taste. I think a good argument could be made for the 826W sounding better. Focal certainly thought it was worth charging more than the 926 for. 
So, since I've listened to 926's and 948's side by side for hours, and I own 936's, and I can't really tell much difference, and there's practically no difference in the specs between 936's and 948's, what exactly is so different about the 948? I honestly think the 936 sounds better than the 948 and I'd only buy those if I had a 30x40 foot room since you must sit much further back from them to not hear the baffle effects. 
And you still haven't explained how dropping those in corners with 2 or 3 feet to spare isn't going to reinforce the snot out of those speakers.