Are the JL Fathom subs really that good....

for 2-channel audio only?

To be honest, I cannot "fathom" a sub integrating into 2 channel so well it is seamless, completely cohesive and disappears into the music…

Speaking to 2 channel audio ONLY, what are you thoughts???

Don’t hold back….

For my 2-channel customers, I typically recommend a sub for each channel. This adds some benefits for difficult rooms. I also like subs with larger drivers in a sealed enclosure. It can be trial and error and does take some patience, though.

The JL Fathoms are very nice subs.
In general, I agree with all responses here in that it's all about setup when integrating subs into a 2-channel system. If the setup is not done properly, one will feel that subs will not bring any appreciable or beneficial results when the sound is ruined further. If the setup is done properly, one will be amply rewarded by the full extended bass that the main speakers fail to reproduce. The key is countless of hours of trial and error and patience with a wide variety of listening material, and a reasonably good set of ears.
"I think you don't know how to setup a sub...or have a general understanding of sound reproduction, and small room acoustics."

When and where did I ever say that I have ever tried to set up a sub!? And then, upon what basis do you make the second and third comments?

My lord, please don't let this place degrade to the likes of the AA....

Thank you to all that posted substantive and helpful comments..

Enjoy the journey!


You said..."Don't hold back"? (I didn't, and you get mad?)...on first read, I thought you question sounded a little silly?

I did post info regarding my subwoofer setup methods a few posts down?....just in case you weren't pulling our leg.

My bad.....sorry. I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can....(and without the smart remarks)

I had a JL Fathom 112. Once it was set up properly, the bass was tight and true. My friend had a Velodyne Optimum 12. One Saturday we thought we would compare the two side by side. The Velodyne was over 10 pounds lighter and set up in less than 30 seconds. At higher volumes the sound level was higher in the Velodyne and low frequency extension was lower by 10hz. I remember how difficult it was to setup the JL. Anyway my friend wished to trade the Velodyne plus $1,100.00 cash. I did because I bought the JL used for $1,900.00. My best advise is to find a store that will let you try a demo and judge for yourself. JL has a lot of hype and there are better subs for the money out there.