Potential issues using low powered tube amp with electrostatic speakers

In a previous post I was requesting information concerning the operation class of a pair of tube integrated monoblock amps that I got as part of a trade. For purposes of this question, though, knowing that is probably not important. These amps were ordered by a local discriminating audio hobbyist who moved shortly after their delivery and we have no way of contacting him or the designer/ builder for details but here's what we think we know. The original said they were designed for class A operation.
The input tube is a 6EU7; the output tubes are 4 EL34's with 2 enclosed top mounted transformers with one smaller transformer inside the chassis. There is an off on power switch, a toggle switch of unknown function, VU meter and volume control pot. Because I've owned 2 Cary Audio amps that had switches to switch between ultra linear and triode (class A?) modes I'm thinking this one might be the same.

Now for the question; because I'm using these with Martin Logan Ethos speakers I'm concerned about high current demands with their dramatic fluctuations in impedance loading and how that may result in damage to these amps. I've used other electrostats (ML Odyssey) and Cary 808r amp which I very much enjoyed. I'm equally happy with this combo.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Hmmm, it might work but I wouldn't bet that you will be happy.  The Ethos speakers use a powered sub section and are rated at 92dB.  But my guess is that you are not going to get optimal performance from this amp/speaker combination.  You haven't mentioned some other important information.  I assume that these monoblocks are rated at about 8 Wpc.  Is this at 4, 8 or 16 ohms?

I've been using them for about 10 days and am very happy with the sound. Several of my hobbyist friends estimate the power to be approx in the mid thirties at 8 ohms; if the switch referred to is what we think, in triode mode its output may be in the 17WPC range. I'm using the 8wpc posts. My concern, though, goes to the potential of damage, not sound quality. 
Tube amps are inherently rugged! Even into the low impedance (1 ohm) high frequencies of the ML's panels. Just don't use them (or any transformer-coupled) tube amp without a speaker connected! That will kill them!