Which DAC as a preamp?

Hi folks...I am looking for opinions regarding DACs to use as a digital pre-amp to drive my red dragon monoblocks. I am considering Audiolab MDAC plus, Musical Fidelity M6s DAC, NAD C-510, or the Audio Alchemy DDP-1.    Any thoughts as to which would be the best pick?
I once used a Chord Hugo TT (DAC and preamp) direct into monoblocks and it was not good. Proceed with caution - good luck!
More good information folks...thanks so much. I will pull the trigger on something within the next day or two, and we will be off to the races.
You may look at the specs of the new Pro iDSD  Dac from iFi Audio.
Volume control , solid state and tube mode ,even streaming ,2500$
It’s going to be really hard to find someone who can directly compare them, right?  I have a PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Pre and am happy with it.  I really wish it was easier to compare it to alternatives.
I have both the Audio Alchemy DDP-1 and the PS Audio Directstream DAC. Both are darn good. I think the PS Audio sounds significantly better (as it should given the price difference and the absence of features like analog inputs and a headphone amp).   The Audio Alchemy has an analogue preamp and a decent headphone amp built in.  The PS Audio DAC has just a volume control on it's output, but it is a very good volume control that did not degrade the sound in any way that I could detect.  I used the PS Audio direct to my power amps for several months and thought it quite wonderful. Still, when I swallowed hard and shelled out for the PS Audio BHK preamp, the improvement was undeniable and well worth it.  It sounds more life-like, real, organic, etc.  So my experience supports what ricred said above. That said, you can always get a preamp later, if you start with a DAC with volume control.