Babies and Speakers

For those out there with newborns or babies on the way, I ran across a friend who's a fellow audiophile who advised me that after my newborn son arrives in 3 months time that if I plan on getting serious speakers with a decent sub I should consider that I won't be able to run my system volume at pre-baby levels without waking up the child.

Short of buying a nice over the ear headset, which would upset me since I won't be able to run my floorstanding speakers, how big of an issue is this for all of you and what other ways have you worked around it?

Many thanks everyone for making these forums so helpful for an anxious Dad to be.
I agree with many of the previously made comments. If your floor plan will allow, you might consider my soulution to the quandry. While many kids will sleep through significant noise (especially when trained to do so), I like to listen at pretty loud levels. The hallway that leads to the bedrooms in my house has an entry that is very conducive to setting up a sort of false wall. That is, I purchase sound board from Lowes and wedge it in between the existing walls for a pretty snug fit (includes some cutting). This has proven to be both effective and inexpensive. I have been able to listen to my system at any level, any time of night for years without waking up my kids even once. By the way, I do not consider my kids to be especially deep sleepers. For added measure, I place a baby monitor in the hallway. That way, I know if someone gets up, cries, uses the bathroom, or whatever.
My uber gear-head neighbor was visiting one day and he brought his 10 year old.
I had left playing some symphonic work.....probably Vivaldi's Four Season, the Telarc CD issue......

Dad and I were toward the back of the room talking.
The kid turned around and Shhhh'd us!
Based on the youngsters genetics, he had NO predisposition to like Classical music!

Properly introduced, your new one will love music, too!
Agree with Kbuzz... a floor standing speaker with a relatively low center of gravity would be safer once your tyke starts cruising the furniture. Or get some really stable Target four-post stands, and some velcro or Blu-tac to secure stand mounted speakers. A relatively rigid grill over the drivers would be ideal, too.
Not that I listen to a lot of Rap, but I don't see where it's any worse than Rock per-sae, except when viewed in the light of what genre of people it's made/produced by. Is that the basis of your comment, or insight to whom you are?
With my first son, I had a boom box in his beadroom and we played classical music every night, all night long. Not only is there a possible long term benefit to this??? but definately found that we did not need to be careful about making other noise in the house.

The biggest problem when playing your music loudly may be more you being able to hear him we he needs you!