Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions

I just purchased a used set of Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT speakers that will be delivered in a week or so. I am going to be doing the setup myself (help of my brother also). The Vandy Quatro / CT manual has very good detail and I am reading, preparing and starting to really understand the process. 

Vandersteen recommends using natural instrument Jazz recordings because they say these offer the most realistic and accurate sonic reproductions. They even recommend using Ray Brown Soular Energy. Can anyone recommend any other similar reference recordings?

Does anyone have any general recommendations and tips for Vandy speaker setup? Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xpilrem
First congrats - you will be rewarded and shocked with what your room does to bass and how you can tame it in the analog domain.
first verify verify verify amp input impedence!!!!!
otherwise you will need a good multimeter !
get the RS analog meter, verify it works
get a camera tripod to get meter at listening position ear level
get a Leica Disto for super accurate measurement of distance to tweeter ( used to set tilt !!!
get your chair OFF the wall
my Ears in the beater Treo CT setup are 40” off the wall
follow the instructions
the Vandertones disc has a nice bass recording made at Oceanway Studio
it is a good alternate to Ray
but Amazon has Soular Energy :-)
i also use  JD Souther Silver Blue on the album A Natural History - Victor Krauss plays bass
but I prefer Stanley Clarke on Black Rose version
short of 7’s imo one of the absolute best speakers out there
ask ???????

Try Mastodon's "Once more round the sun" on vinyl.  Excellent tonal balance, timbral brilliance and killer dynamics. 
I ran the original Quatro's for 7 years and loved them.  They absolutely reward you for very careful work on speaker placement, and tomic601's list of needed tools above is spot on.  I can testify to the 1/4" claims.

One thing that amazed me was the importance of getting the correct tilt angle to hit you correctly at your listening position.  Richard Vandersteen underscored that to me on the phone, and when I dialed it in, "Shazzam!", there was that beautiful midrange singing clearly!  And don't try filling in dips in bass response too much - - I believe the manual emphasizes that, too, but I lived it.  It can suck the life out of things.  The 11 band bass equalizer is best suited to tame peaks.

Enjoy 'em!  I would have loved to have played with the CT versions!