why does my plasma tv screen occasionally blank

I have a Samsung PN42A450 connected via hdmi to pioneer elite vsx 92 txh receiver. my time warner hd cable box is also connected to the receiver via hdmi.
My problem is every few weeks on some occasions the tv screen goes completly blank and black for a second or two without any sound and then comes back to normal. this keeps repeating sometimes every few minutes.Please advice
thank you.
wow i never expected all these responses but my problem is more i notice with the hd channels than the regular channels and also i did not see the problem in summer, and winter in buffalo new york where i live now is pretty cold and coming to the wiring there are multiple splitters and also the wiring is pretty old!....im yet to call time warner sigh!
i also forgot to mention my internet and vonage voip runs on the same line too but i dont have any internet problems and im constantly downloading and uploading via torrent.
I have occassionally some dropouts when changing channels from HD to others, or vice versa. None are extended in duration though... just a couple seconds... sometimes. sometimes less... sometimes it's instantaneous.

if this is your case, I think it's a combination of things and no one device in particular. The box has to acquire it... likely, buffer it... transmit it to at least a display... and/or a processor and then to a display.

When one thinks about it, getting the HD info at all is remarkable... some say still more for it to come along a cable. I suppose my temperment is to blame as well. That and the previously faster connection speed of ariel, or SD contents ability to appear less encumbered... quicker. I got used to that quickly, and I guess I expect content that has tremendously greater body of information to duplicate that experience.

Past that when I have any trouble with gear, I look to the source from which the info comes first and try to isolate where the issue stems from following the chain downstream from there. When it happens with only one source, or only one item or two are in comon, that's where I look.

I hope your issue is resolved easily and quickly.
Well, the dropouts are beginning again even with the new box.
Time to call Cablevision.