Integrated Amp to match with Magico A3

Have just ordered a pair of Magico A3, and looking for integrated amplifier to pair with it. As I heard once which had a very disappointing result to pair with Gryphon 300 in a local Hifi show in Hong Kong. Reallly looking for recommendations on matching amplifier. Planned to get a Marantz PM-10, but worried that the single box may not be powerful enough to push the A3. On the other side, some said Hegel H360 with 4000+ damping factor may suit even better.

thank you in advance
May want to consider McIntosh MA9000. A true heavyweight and it will hold it's re-sale value very well. 
Check out the Wyred for Sound integrated STI 500 or 1000. We have separates and they are outstanding. High damp factor, pure liquid sound, nothing quite like it. More addicting than good food or beer. Soundstage....check, Bass energy tight and very extended, way more than many much larger systems get....check,  Awesome performance and STILL pay the rent. Check mate. The STI 1000 I believe the last time I checked is a TOTAL sleeper at $2499. You can definitely spend way more and get so much less IMHO
Sinewareon is correct in a dealer showroom with over 10 ft ceilings and like 17 x 23 room avg watts is 6 on Sonus Faber speakers.
Thanks @ kw6
Yes 6 WATTS.
I used to own a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri Mementos speakers. There measured sensitivity were 87db, and I drove them with a Krell amp. To me they seemed like a 86db speaker, hard to drive.
The new Magico A3’s seem pretty easy to drive, and I think there measured sensitivity is just under 88db. Not hard to drive at all. Actually, l find mine easy to drive loud. The new Magico A3’s are a very good
speaker. Love Them.