Magico A3 vs. Focal Kanta 2

I have around 10k to play with for a new set of speakers. 
My current equipment: MC452 C2600 MCD550 Vienna Acoustics Mozart grand speakers, REL S5. 
My options include  Magico A3,  Focal Kanta 2 or used Sonus Faber Elipsa SE for around 10K.  These choices are based on on aesthetics (approved by wife) and reviews, I have not heard any of them yet.  I am not willing to change my amp/pre. My choice of music is 95% classical (symphony, solo piano, piano concertos) about 5% Jazz. Auditioning speakers would probably not be possible. I need to make a decision based purely on expert recommendation. If there are any other speakers in this price range with similar attributes I may also consider, but I would prefer to pick one from above. Also, would any of the above give a massive improvement in sound reproduction? Is SF Elipsa outdated  when compared to current Focal and Magico?  Thanks. 

Congrats you got what you wanted. They will be just fine with your McIntosh gear. If you get the urge to try a tube amp with them just pick one up used and if you don’t see an improvement turn it over again.
jackd92 posts07-28-2018 9:43amCongrats you got what you wanted. They will be just fine with your McIntosh gear.
+ 1. The Elipsa’s are certainly beautiful looking creations. Personally I prefer a more full range speaker, and philosophically prefer sealed box to ported designs. Horses for courses.

they're certainly bigger than I expected but incredibly beautiful and fit nicely in my living room. I have an exposed concrete wall and mid century modern decor with 10 foot ceiling, so they fit perfectly. They look like modern art pieces. Tektons seem much larger. 


Would need a high current tube amp, and the one I heard is 50k mastersound. Probably could never afford that. 


What do you mean you prefer a more full range speaker? I thought Elipsa was full range. I've Never heard a sealed box design. 
@ei001h, the Elipsa’s are a full range speaker. Even my old Infinity Reference 60’s were considered full range & they only dug down to 42Hz. I was eluding to my current speakers which have frequency response from 20Hz - 50kHz, and are +/- 2db to 30kHz on axis with a -6db point at 24Hz. Whereas according to the TAS lab report the Elipsas start to roll off at about 20kHz and their -6db point sits around 45Hz. That said, with room reinforcement, the Elipsa’s have in-room bass response to 27Hz, so they don’t lack for output. I’m talking more about ultimate extension, resolution and linearity. The SF Elipsa’s are designed and voiced in a completely different way to Magico, and never the twain shall meet.
Well you could certainly entertain switching to 2301's by making a trade with Audio Classics but I suspect there are other tube amps that meet the requirements.  You might want to check in at Audio Aficionado where most of the SF and McIntosh crowd hang out and see if they have any opinions other than the big Mc's.  Also if you have a Rogue dealer in your area you can look at their offerings and see if you can get an in home demo or call Mark or Nick at the company office.  Also a hybrid amp like the PS Audio BHK amps are popular with the SF's.