I also tried TEO s overpriced passiveYes over priced for just 24 switched resistor position, do you know what value it was? 10 20 50 or 100k, and if it was a series, ladder or shunt switch resistor passive? As of yet I can’t find out, I’ll look harder tomorrow.
This sort of thing leaves me https://www.emojirequest.com/images/CrossEyedEmoji.jpg
" Judciously placed vibration control materials are located within the case of the Liquid Pre for the purpose of tuning, as the performance of the Liquid Pre is so refined that everything matters. In fact the center foot on the bottom of the unit is interchangeable for the purpose of voicing the system in which it is used: soft to hard. Even placing a thin item such as a business card under the center foot can tailor the sound. Similarly, one does not want to place anything on top of the Liquid Pre such as a book, as it will be detrimental to the performance."
This tech page of theirs might is no better might as well have been written by a tech word bot.
Cheers George