I started with a VPI Scout, and then upgraded to a VPI Scoutmaster. I find the sound of my CD collection to be superior. Vinyl advocates insist that I am missing the boat and claim vinyl delivers the sonic goods.
 I was advised that the acrylic platter that came with my Scoutmaster was the reason the sound was not up to par.
 The cost to upgrade the Scoutmasster with  a steel platter and bearing is $1000.00.  Not looking
 to spend any more money with VPI. Not knocking their products, just have spent much money with them with
 less than expected results. Assuming I wish to listen to my 180-200 gram vinyl recordings I am looking for
 alternatives. I wish to stay loyal to my audio dealer who is always there to help me. He sells Project, VPI and
 Thorens. I would sell my Scoutmaster which should net me about $1000.00, and I would put $1500.00 of my own
money toward a new turntable.  Any thoughts?  Thank you in advance.  Note: I am sure VPI makes a wonderful
product, but I have not perfsonally had a great audio experience. 
IMO, there's one way to do this - Have your dealer give you a real demo and then you will know whether upgrading your table will make a difference to what you hear.  You will or you won't.  You are approaching this as if something is wrong because you think your digital sounds better than vinyl, which is an incorrect premise, IMO.  There may well be something wrong with your turntable that is causing a sonic issue, but if not, a VPI, decently set up should be sounding very, very good at minimum.  I used to have a Music Hall MMF5 turntable that cost me about $700 that sounded very good even compared to my 10k digital player.  So set up a demo and let your dealer show you why you should or shouldn't upgrade your turntable.  

and you you base your statement regarding the VPI arms on?
I agree with the majority of the posts- the acrylic platter is NOT what is holding you back - the Scoutmaster is a good table and arm.  NO reason to go with the s/s version platter- spend the money on the outer ring clamp and you WILL get better performance.  Upgrade the cartridge ( depending on what you have) and have someone that knows what they are doing set it up for you properly and you will be suitably impressed with vinyl.  Phono cable and loading of the Thor will also be areas to look into for better performance.  Good Luck!
@wcfeil - My opinion....

I don't have any problem with VPI arms.  I'm using an ancient JMW Memorial 12, VPI's original 12" arm, with excellent results.  

What arms are the "weak link?"
The original 9 and 10 were just plain underachievers. I owned both. 

Calm down all you VPI fanboys. None of their products compete with the Triplanars, Grahams, Micro Seikis, Fidelity Researches, Basis’, Reeds, Dynavectors, etc. of the world. 

I’ve owned all of them.