Totem Forest or Mani-2 signature?

I am looking for a pair of Totem speakers that will work well with Bel Canto Ref1000 monoblocks.

So far I have only auditioned the Forest and Staff (with the Ref1000 too) but have not had a chance to try the Mani-2.

For those Totem owners out there, could you give me some suggestions? as how they compare and stuff... Thanks!
Thanks for fixing that statement Rumadian. I was also goin to comment on the fact the winds do have a Dynaudio driver. That was the one of the criteria's that helped me decide on purchasing the Winds.
Did you catch that Stricken? Please contribute only if you actually have some clue about the subject.
When was the last time anyone here removed a Totem driver to see who it was made by? Yes I do believe I have a little insight as to which drivers Totem uses. Zieman, jump off of your high horse sometime and pull a totem apart to see what I am talking about.
Well just to let you know Stricken i was out at my dealer last wknd and he took apart the driver of the wind for me and saw for myself its dynaudio driver so quit with your anoying statements ok.
Not sure just exactly what you are "stricken" with, but as a Totem dealer, I could trouble myself by lying to folks about how products I represent are built. Do yourself a favor and make a phone call. Need the number?