Are lossless Codec's worth upgrading my processor

I have a lexicon DC-2 processor which has a number of the older codecs and lexicon's 7:1 surround great with HDTV. However, now I'm going to get a bluray player and of course today's technology has lossless codec's and HDMI 1.3.

I can connect a bluray player thru digital to my Lexicon DC-2 and still decode the non lossless codecs...well at least some of them.

The question big is the difference in sound between the new lossless codecs and DTS, Dolby, etc. Is it night and day....or just a little better...or just marketing hype?

(Lexicon DC-2, NHT Power 5, NHT/James 5:1 speakers)
Ghstudio, you can buy a blu-ray player that decodes the new codecs internally and not have to upgrade your processor. Just send the audio via analog outs to your Lexicon. The Panisonic BD55, for one, does this.
cruz123....the DC-2 does not have the analog inputs to handle this. I could get it upgraded for $175...but I am thinking that maybe the Integra 9.8/9.9 will actually provide better sound than the 1999 vintage I can put that $175 towards buying one of them.
Actually, I could buy the Panasonic 35 and save another $ I would have $275 towards buying the Integra of course whatever I get for the DC2 (V4)

Sell the DC-2 for whatever you can get for it and buy the Integra and a Sony BDP-S350, it's the best acting (fastest load times, response time etc) player I have had and it can be had for ~$200 if you hunt, retail is only $299 and it will output bitstream for all codecs to the Integra.

The nearly ten year step forward in technology and Audyssey room correction alone will sound WAY better than the DC-2 even on it's best days, and you can do it for a very low cost out of pocket.
I would like to know what percentage of todays new dvd releases are actually encoded with Dolby True HD and DTS HD? Is it one in five releases or what? There doesn't seem to be a mass market of this type of release yet.