Arche Headshell and Technics 1200G

I am not sure if any other 1200G users have tried this headshell on their 1200G arm but I can say that so far after a couple hours of listening that it seems to be working very well.  Has anyone else tried this combination?

The part of the headshell on which the cart is fastened I call

''insert peace''. Those can be ordered as separates. This means

as many headshells as one wants. One can even pre-adjust

carts (eff. length) on them for fast exchange. Arche is actually

a frame in which the parts can be screwed with precision screws

and Allen keys. The insert piece need to rotate because of the

SRA provision and is fastened with two steel axes with steel balls

and  (tension) springs. That is why flexible headshell wire is

needed. The best quality clips are also needed because the

same wire will be used for all insert peaces . Those made

by Clearaudio are the best. Clearaudio silver headshell wire

are expensive but the best for Arche.


Just to let everyone know, I have just learnt that Acoustical Systems is going to release two further lighter versions of the Arche headshell: one weighing 13g and made of aluminium alloy and the other 10g and made of magnesium.  Both will have all the adjustability of the current version of the Arche together with the same titanium bars.  Release is scheduled for October 2018.
Thanks for the info, bluewolf! And compliments on your great setup - particularly those lovely TAD speakers!
gallusThanks for the info, bluewolf! And compliments on your great setup - particularly those lovely TAD speakers!
Hi gallus, Thank you for the kind words about my TAD's. The 2404's are the love of my hi-fi life and my system is built around them, with the exception of the analog frontend and the phono preamp. For me, if these 2 items are right, they are right for any system.  I much prefer the "real" TAD of old and I was most fortunate to be able to buy the 2404's NOS.  I am also a very big fan of Acoustical Systems. In my experience, their setup tools are the best, and their arms and cartridges at the top.  And their true SOTA turntable, the Apolyt, is the only component in my long hi-fi career that is so so much better than anything my brain had encountered before that when I listened to it I was shocked.  Unfortunately I do not have the space or the funds to accommodate one. I wrote up my impressions in this thread:

All the best,