Electron Kinetics Eagle 2 Repair Help

Hi All,

I just purchased an obviously used Electron Kinetics Eagle 2 amp serial number 774 and I am super psyched to finally own a John Iverson design.

Before plugging it in I opened it up. It looks nasty in there! Looks like both capacitors (both 80000MFD) are leaking, and that there was a serious short at the RCA outs. Also it looks like the top lid has been bent in enough to make contact with the terminals of the capacitors.

www.eagle-audio.com seems to be out of commission. Does anyone out there know of a dependable repair guru for these amps? Does anyone have schematics or a list of parts that I can purchase and try to fix this thing myself?

Does anyone know more about these amps and John Iverson.

Please be in touch!


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbrettmcee
To the OP, I am sorry if what I said was not what you wanted to hear. Enjoy ! MrD.
I can second the recommendation of Brooks Berdan Ltd's tech, Tom Carione. The same with mrdecibel's comments about the Eagle 2's capabilities as a woofer/subwoofer amp.
I want to hear the amp is all. I am not so worried about recouping any repair costs as I will not be reselling this amp. I just hope I can find someone to put it back to its original state.
are you sure EKSC is out of bus?  No mention of it on their web site. It's a real shame if true.  

If you can get Russ to work it over you'll be miles ahead. I would also recommend having it upgraded to an Eagle 2C' spec if you can spare the cash.