Hard to sell my Klipsch Heritage Speakers for a possible Harbeth upgrade.

I have both Chorus 2s and Cornwall with Bob Crite upgrades.  I was contemplating selling my Chorus 2s and decided to hook them up - LFD integrated AMP with phono stage, Crimson Audio cables, Schitt DAC and Thorens TT.  I am amazed how well the Chorus 2's sound.  Long term I plan on selling both the Chorus 2s and Cornwalls to fund a Harbeth purchase.  However, when I hook up these speakers I get cold feet.  Can the Harbeths really sound that good?

I have friends over and they think I am crazy.  And I have to tend to agree.  I cannot find a music genre that doesn't sound good through these speakers. 

As far as what I like better?  Hard to say - some days it is the Cornwalls and others the Chorus 2s.
I think most people here would reccomend you get Stirling, Proac, Graham or Spendor over Harbeth. According to these people, Harbeth is grossly over priced and inferior to the other brands mentioned. 
Yes I know how it goes.  Whenever I get urge to try something different these days I listen to what I have and ask myself why and no good answer. 
@donvito101 looking at the 40.1s.  Been reading reviews and Monitor Audio looks interesting.   However for a used price of 6K+ it makes me wonder.  

@mapman sometimes there is just a itch that requires scratching. 

Not sure why you would do that at all. I would spend some serious time listening to Harbeth before that decision. The reviews sound great, but you might like the speakers less than the reviews.

If possible buy a used pair at a good price so you can resell without significant loss in case you don't like them.

That is what I did and was very happy with my decision.
Hello OP,
No doubt that these 2 brands will sound different. Is the Harbeth clearly superior? To some yes and to others no. Each will offer particular strengths, and each will have inherent compromises.

What type of sound and music presentation are you truly trying to achieve ? You could very well prefer the Harbeth depending on your objectives and long-term outlook.

The Chorus/Cornwall on the other hand may have certain virtues and attributes that the Harbeth cannot equal or perhaps even come close to.

So the ultimate question is what is it you really want from a speaker ?