Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
I've had the opposite reaction so far with my MWT's- an almost toal lack of tonal shift unless I sit on the floor. Even then, to me it's minor

I account for this due to the speakers I had before: Definitive Technologies BP-2006 and Pinnacle Classic Gold Reference, both of which had significant tonal balance shift based on position.

As an aside, I got to hear my old Def Techs last night. The guy I sold them to and I have become friends, and listen to music together every now and then. I miss the bass, but that's about it. They sounded unnatural and fuzzy. They really seamed to smear high-treble, especially cymbals. He loves them though, and I'm glad they went to a good home.

PErhaps to a lesser extant than with most speakers, room acoustics and other factors probably come into play regarding tonal shift from various vertical listening locations.

The Walsh drivers do inherently fire more upwards than down though, I believe.
I have a pair of MicroWalsh Talls in Rosewood on their way to me. I am very anxious and curious about how they will sound in my family room.
No doubt. All I'm saying is that, compared to other speakers I've heard or had, the tonal shift is minimal. Not to mention imaging and soundstage, which completely collapse with most speakers I've heard as soon as I stand up or even move to scratch an arm or something. :)

Actually, the single best-sounding speaker I ever heard while audition was the Sunfire CRM-2.. The sound still haunts me. However, moving anywhere outside the axis of the drivers and everything seemed to collapse. The sound was good, but the magic was gone.

With the Ohm's, it's simply not the case. At least not to the extend that I've experienced with any other speaker.

Oh yeah- for what it's worth, I do seem to get a bit more 'air' when I toe them slightly out and have the tweeter cross further into the room.