Hegel H360 or H590 or Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 for Magico A3

I recently heard the Magico A3s and really liked them. The dealer said they are often combined with the Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 at shows. After a lot of searching on Google, I can't find any pictures or reference to this combination. However, I did find a number of references to the A3s being combined with Hegel amps, including by Alon Wolf who said it would be a very good combination and led the author of the article to speculate that the A3s may have been "voiced" by Magici using the Hegel H360. I have not yet been able to listen to the A3s with either the Hegel H360 or H590 or the Constellation amp. I would be interested in everyone's thoughts as to the best integrated amplifier for the A3s for $13,500 (the price of the Constellation amp) or less.
I recently sold my Hegel H360 (mint condition) for around $3,200.  If you can find a deal like that, then it's really a no brainer for you to try it.  H360 is a solid amp that is both powerful and excellent sounding.  It's definitely one of the best integrated amps under $10k.  I've never heard the Constellation amp before, but I doubt it is 2 or 3 times better than Hegel.   
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With your budget you wouldn’t be far off being able to afford a Vitus RI-101 on a deal. Having auditioned that amp recently with the A3's, I would be confident it would be a good bit better than even the Hegel H590, and will have better build quailty. The RI-101 will also have optional dac/streamer & phono modules going forward.