Hegel H360 or H590 or Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 for Magico A3

I recently heard the Magico A3s and really liked them. The dealer said they are often combined with the Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 at shows. After a lot of searching on Google, I can't find any pictures or reference to this combination. However, I did find a number of references to the A3s being combined with Hegel amps, including by Alon Wolf who said it would be a very good combination and led the author of the article to speculate that the A3s may have been "voiced" by Magici using the Hegel H360. I have not yet been able to listen to the A3s with either the Hegel H360 or H590 or the Constellation amp. I would be interested in everyone's thoughts as to the best integrated amplifier for the A3s for $13,500 (the price of the Constellation amp) or less.

Melboneguy, thank you for the info about Vitus, very informative. I contact Vitus dealer to try to get a demo of RI-101.

Iar, as I said , I had Gryphon diablo 300 in my house for 7 months. Terrific integrated, sounds close to life music that I here at the venues - speakers synergy important so. The only negative I would say that at the low levels I clearly heard its loosing its famous micro details. Btw Luxman 509x is great at the low levels. Based on my hands on/home experiences this is my rating so far of the integrated I had for the last 10 years:

1. Gryphon Diablo 300 2.Luxman 509x. 3.Pass INT-250. 4.Accuphase E-470. 5.Pass INT-60 6.Gamut DI-150 7. Plinius Hiato. 8.Jeff Rowland 500.

Synergy with speakers, cables and good power also very important to make those integrated sound their best.

soix -  Thanks. The  T+A PA3000HV is a good suggestion, although a quick Google search shows the price may be more than $10,995. The Cable Co. lists it for $19,500. Also, it seems that T+A has more recently released the T+A PA3100HV with an upgraded preamp section and meters on the face. This is the amp I heard with the A3s. Of course that's even more money!
@denon1 Have you ever compared Luxman L-590AXII with the 509X?  I wonder if there is much of a difference between the two. Would moving from 590AXII to 509X be more of a lateral move than an upgrade?  Thanks.    
The one I was talking about is available on this site now.  It's an internal company demo model, which is why it comes with full warranty although it's technically used.  MSRP is listed at $18k.  Doubt the differences between this model and the new one are night and day. 

Given your tastes I'd also mention the Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 ($6500 new).  Don't know what your other equipment is, but this unit also includes a DAC and very sophisticated room correction.  Very neutral and transparent without added warmth, and the room correction is huge and may very well trump performance differences between other even more expensive integrateds.  But that gets into personal preferences.  If you can you should go hear or try to demo one at home.  In any event, best of luck in whatever you decide. 

Thanks again, soix. I will check out the T+A demo and hopefully the Lyngdorf (if I can find a nearby dealer). You are absolutely correct in saying the best way to evaluate would be to do an in home demo or at least go listen to the A3s and amp together at a dealer. However, as you know it's very hard to find a dealer that carries the A3s and the various amps under discussion.

Interesting that nobody has commented yet on the Constellation Inspiration Integrated.