Hegel H360 or H590 or Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 for Magico A3

I recently heard the Magico A3s and really liked them. The dealer said they are often combined with the Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 at shows. After a lot of searching on Google, I can't find any pictures or reference to this combination. However, I did find a number of references to the A3s being combined with Hegel amps, including by Alon Wolf who said it would be a very good combination and led the author of the article to speculate that the A3s may have been "voiced" by Magici using the Hegel H360. I have not yet been able to listen to the A3s with either the Hegel H360 or H590 or the Constellation amp. I would be interested in everyone's thoughts as to the best integrated amplifier for the A3s for $13,500 (the price of the Constellation amp) or less.
bigdesign3 the Constellation stuff isn’t selling hence Audio Advisor blowing it out.

The T+A HV 3000 is allready lauded as coming so close to $120k worth of CH Precision gear the reviewer Allan Taffel had trouble remembering which one he was demoing.


In our experience the T+A gear is very, very hard to beat and you usually have to spend stupid money to beat it.

We compared a $32k T+A power amp and power supply to a $90k pair of Boulder Mono blocks and the T+A was better in bass response which was totally not expected, the Boulder was a bit wider in the soundstage and a touch clearer but the difference was not that dramatic that the Boulder was worth 3 times the price!

For its exceptional sound quality, feature set, and stunning build quality is the reason we sell the T+A gear, it bested, Devialet, Thrax, Electrompaniet, Chord, and Conrad Johnson gear and we even compared it to a $125k pair of the Legendary Krell Audio Standard which the T+A was far superior to and nearly matched a $90k set of Boulder amps as mentioned.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ East Coast T+A dealer
I'm not familiar with T+A gear. I just read a couple of articles about it. Sounds like a winner. Swiss is usually very good, and extremely expensive.

I'm a Krell guy myself using separate rebuilt Vintage Krell Amplifiers. My current favorite is the Krell KSA-200s. Cost $3,300 rebuilt. Using a Schiit Freya preamp ($700) with 4 6SN7 tubes, and the ability to run 3 different outputs...... Tube, JFET or Passive output throughput and able to adjust which one by the Remote. Audio Alchemy DDP-1 with PS5 power supply (DAC/Preamp) being fed by a Singxer SU-1 USB Bridge. Sound is fed to Martin Logan Montis and 2 REL S3 subs connected directly to the Krells speaker outputs.
Just thought I would throw out my system at you for reference. I'm from New Jersey (Rahway, Seaside Park) and moved to Florida 6 years ago. If I come up to visit, I will make an appointment with you. Cheers.
Audiotroy, are there any audible sonic differences between 
T+A PV 3000 and PV 3100?
The T+A 3000 looks looks a real winner! I wish I had the budget for the 3100, but the 3000 has the same power and great reviews. I have already heard and liked the A3s with the 3100. If the sound is similar, the T+A 3000 may be the answer. I am hoping that audiotroy's answer to denon1's question is that the differences in SQ are not significant.