Hard to sell my Klipsch Heritage Speakers for a possible Harbeth upgrade.

I have both Chorus 2s and Cornwall with Bob Crite upgrades.  I was contemplating selling my Chorus 2s and decided to hook them up - LFD integrated AMP with phono stage, Crimson Audio cables, Schitt DAC and Thorens TT.  I am amazed how well the Chorus 2's sound.  Long term I plan on selling both the Chorus 2s and Cornwalls to fund a Harbeth purchase.  However, when I hook up these speakers I get cold feet.  Can the Harbeths really sound that good?

I have friends over and they think I am crazy.  And I have to tend to agree.  I cannot find a music genre that doesn't sound good through these speakers. 

As far as what I like better?  Hard to say - some days it is the Cornwalls and others the Chorus 2s.
I like the new Heritage line of Klipsch. Not quite my first choice in loudspeakers, but quite good none the less. I almost bought a new pair of La Scalla II's for a second system but couldn't get past the lack of real low bass (anything below 45hz) in such a large cabinet. that said, liked the mids and highs even though the soundstage lacked some depth. Very dynamic too. 
I have not ventured into higher priced speakers until I bought a pair of Harbeth  7ES-3 right here on the Gon maybe 2 yrs ago at the most.   I have had what I thought to be all good sounding speakers except for a pair of Monitor Audio I picked up 7 or 8 years ago.  Maybe a system mismatch but I resold them shortly .  I also had a pair of Fortes and liked them very much.   Had the Crites crossovers as well.   Early Decware radials ,  Pi , and others that I can't recall .  I hesitated on the Harbeths a bit because had been keeping with higher efficiency ratings although a long time player in the electrostatic market --Roger Sanders had been very gracious in communicating with me online re/efficiency ratings and how they can be misleading esp with 4 ohm speakers.  Thats another story.  At any rate,   I just bought  a Modwright LS100 (USAudio mart) and put it in my main system which normally runs a SF Line 1 with upgrades (just the first level--volume control and some caps) .  Granted the Line 1 is not really a tube preamp per se --its a hybrid..  Its a great preamp esp for build quality ,  6922 tube rolling,  great hockey puck aluminum remote,  and  all the functions it provides  and it certainly provides a black background and sounds good  although   I immediately noticed an obvious difference putting the LS 100 with the Harbeths as compared to the Line 1 with the Harbeths..  Immediate improvement across the spectrum..  Detail for days.  I had thought that the Modwright would maybe tone down detail although I think the Harbeths are a master at what they do in that dept.  Im still checking all this out and need to set it up where by I can A/B the Harbeths  with my  Martin Logan Aerius although I think I know already that the Harbeths are much better by just manually changing the cables over  --loss of some detail with the ML's..  But again,, need to A/B and do that as well with the Line 1 vs the Modwright.   This is all taking place so far with a pair of what I think is one of the best deals going in power amps..  The Emotiva XPA 100 Mono's.     I havnt even got to my Pass amp yet to compare.    I had recently moved so my system had lain mute for quite awhile--listening to internet radio for months.   Yikes.   Not so bad though if one can find the station with the music they want.  Obviously not going to get the quality as from a cd or vinyl but  can come very close or even sound almost as good  depending on a number of factors.      I did have to give up my analog tuner set up when I moved out of signal range of some of the best FM available in the country which resides in the bay area.   The internet does have some  lifesaving qualities.  I will though at some point set up my analog tuner with a rotatable unobtanium  APS13 and see what I can dig up on the air.   
If you want a more "Harbeth" sound from your Klipsch get some variety of ALK crossover. They will sound substantially  smoother and richer and you will have control of relative mid and tweet levels. The upper mids and lower treble will never have the finesse of the big Harbeths however. Audio note might bridge the gap, too. 
Don’ sell them.
I have both Klipsch corner horns & Harbeth 30’s- different rooms, in-wall wiring, purchased used (on Audiogon) over the years.
Very different sound.
Love the K-horns for that “in your face” live sound w rock, prefer the Harbeth for jazz, classical guitar, piano, various instrumental.
I wouldn’t give up either.
It’s like flavors- nobody else can tell you chocolate or strawberry is better.
Good luck in your journey!

I ran ALK crossovered Cornwalls for many years in a rotating system. Also had fantastic results with the Decware 6 watt el84 "Taboo" amp. Amps make a difference  with these speakers. ALK difference  night and day.