Is It Possible?


Is it possible for a pair of Quad63 sounds better than a pair of Focal Utopia Scala I?  I am was using the Scala in my system and was very happy with the overall result, except for an occasionally bright sound on certain recordings.  I recently bought a pair of non-working Quad63 at a garage sale for $250, had them serviced for about $650.  I was going to use the quad in my office for background music, but I decided to have a A/B test against my beloved Scala.  I almost fell of my chair when heard what came out of the Quad. The vocals and the instruments just came alive, especially the female's voice.  The only advantage I gave to the Scala was the soundstage, which is wider and a little deeper than the Quad.  How can this be?  What am I doing wrong with the Scala?  How can a pair of $900 speakers sounds much better, in my opinion, than a pair of speakers that cost me almost $25,000?


"My speaker system dates from the 60s "
That is fifty years, if not more. Assuming they are not electrostats, any problems with foam surrounds?

The Quad 2905's are a minor evolution of the 63's. They can be much improved by changing the step-up transformers and delay line capacitors, but the biggest improvement of all is cutting out the circuit protection (which must be done with great care - my amps are designed to be incapable of driving the Quads into protection, so I don't need it).

I think it’s possible you’re just used to the focal’s and when you put the quads in your system it was so different that it blew your mind. It’s happened to me. See what happens if you listen to them for 3 weeks or a month. That will determine if they really hold up. Great fun! Enjoy. 
So, are you saying that Quads are great in midrange but that's about it ? Well, not for me then. I'll take Michael's Chameleons, and some others.
There are only two people in the US currently authorized to perform Quad Repairs per the US distributor. One on the East Coast in PA as I recall and the second is in San Jose, CA. Scott Frankland and Associates.
I have been told that Quad 2805/2905s were made with less than
perfect panels. 989's are also said to be problematic. $550 per each panel replacement, freight two ways and multiple panels-therein lies the rub. 
You may in fact need to sets of speakers as the expression "Have Quad will Travel" may apply. After I fell in love with the sound of a 2905 at a fellow club members home, I started hearing from the only two
people I know who owned them about the issues they were having. When Scott told me about the issues he deals with on this model,
I decided I need to look in another direction for new speakers.  The good news is that Scott says the new panels are much better now. He has yet to see any issues with the next generation 2912s. I hope this helps some