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No Blue Jeans Please. 
@craigert, I think the little time you put in doing your research has paid off really well. So good in fact you have also helped you fellow 'audiophiles'. @dopogue is using Duelund 20g interconnects over his highly regarded clear day cable interconnects. Now that says a lot. Please see below link and thanks for posting.
Thanks Tyray!

And now from you I know to be patient with the burn in time. 

The recommendations were split between 20awg and 16awg, and I went with the 16awg for now. 

I think I read it really comes down to matching the impedance of the system or something like that. 
I would go with the larger 16 gauge also. I have since got back in touch with @dopogue and he has put his clear day interconnects back on in his system and said because the clear days interconnects were more ’musical’ than the Duelunds. And that is NOT to say the Duelunds are bad in any way.

I did reach out to the grannyring guy you bought yours from and he suggested I look elsewhere for purchasing.

So if anybody out there in agonland has a set of clear day interconnects, I need one more set/pair to complete what I need with the clear day double shotguns speaker wire I bought from the same seller of the clear day interconnects here on agon. And the price of the clear day cable interconnects cost about exactly the same as the grannyring Duelund interconnects.
Cables are system and sound preference dependent. The builder of Clear Day cables is a great guy, really great guy. Owned several of his cables over the years. Just too thin sounding and a tad bright for me. This is based on my gear and my preference for full bodied sound with weight and bloom. However, I have found all pure silver cables to sound this way over the years in my various rigs. The Duelund cable will sound better with nice Cardas RCAs, 16 gauge wire and careful building technique. Since there is no Duelund brand cable we can all use as a standard or base it is impossible to assume the comments on one Duelund build pertain to all.