Hard to sell my Klipsch Heritage Speakers for a possible Harbeth upgrade.

I have both Chorus 2s and Cornwall with Bob Crite upgrades.  I was contemplating selling my Chorus 2s and decided to hook them up - LFD integrated AMP with phono stage, Crimson Audio cables, Schitt DAC and Thorens TT.  I am amazed how well the Chorus 2's sound.  Long term I plan on selling both the Chorus 2s and Cornwalls to fund a Harbeth purchase.  However, when I hook up these speakers I get cold feet.  Can the Harbeths really sound that good?

I have friends over and they think I am crazy.  And I have to tend to agree.  I cannot find a music genre that doesn't sound good through these speakers. 

As far as what I like better?  Hard to say - some days it is the Cornwalls and others the Chorus 2s.
Don’ sell them.
I have both Klipsch corner horns & Harbeth 30’s- different rooms, in-wall wiring, purchased used (on Audiogon) over the years.
Very different sound.
Love the K-horns for that “in your face” live sound w rock, prefer the Harbeth for jazz, classical guitar, piano, various instrumental.
I wouldn’t give up either.
It’s like flavors- nobody else can tell you chocolate or strawberry is better.
Good luck in your journey!

I ran ALK crossovered Cornwalls for many years in a rotating system. Also had fantastic results with the Decware 6 watt el84 "Taboo" amp. Amps make a difference  with these speakers. ALK difference  night and day. 
I have never used a high quality tube amp with the Cornwalls - I only used a Fisher 400.  I found the bass withe Fisher to be extremely sloppy.  Today I am using a Class A 50 watt amp - Clayton s40.  I might have to find a good quality tube amp.  

Update - I sold my Chorus 2s and now looking for Harbeth - most likely the SHL5+.  I see a pair of Devore Nines currently on Audiogon I am mildly interested in, but I think the Harbeth fan club is greater in number and the Harbeths are easier to flip if I do not like.

I am not using 'fan club' in a deragotory manner, but merely stating Harbeth has a loyal following and that following hasn't seemed to wane over the years.  Typically hype dissipates and people loose interest, but not with Harbeth.  Where there is smoke there must be fire.  Hopefully, I will like too.