Is there actually a difference?

Speakers sound different - that is very obvious. But I’ve never experienced a drastic change between amps. Disclaimer that I’ve never personally ABX tested any extremely high end gear.

With all these articles claiming every other budget amp is a "giant killer", I’ve been wondering if there has ever been blind tests done with amplifiers to see if human ears can consistently tell the difference. You can swear to yourself that they do sound different, but the mind is a powerful thing, and you can never be sure unless it’s a truly blind test.

One step further - even IF we actually can tell the difference and we can distinguish a certain amp 7/10 times under extreme scrutiny, is it really worth the thousands you are shelling out to get that nearly-imperceivable .01% increase in performance?

Not looking to stir up any heated debate. I’ve been in audio for several years now and have always thought about this.
“Longtime readers of The Audio Critic know the drill that comes at this point: I repeat, for the nth time, that all amplifiers having high input impedance, low output impedance, flat frequency response, low distortion, and low noise floor sound exactly the same when operated at matched levels and not clipped. (Those who are unable to stomach this simple truth, proved over and over again in double-blind listening tests, should stick with Stereophile.)”
Tube amplifiers with their typical output impedance of >1 ohm will act as tone controls as they interact with the typical varying impedance of most speakers. Ohm’s Law applies here! Go look it up!
These two statements purvey the idea that its all about frequency response and low distortion. This promotes a falsehood, since frequency response is not the most important issue (meaning that low output impedance isn’t either).

Its all about distortion.
Less expensive amplifiers tend to be designed to look good on paper- i.e to have ’good specs’. More expensive amplifiers are often designed by engineers that understand that the audio industry hasn’t progressed much in the last 50 years as far as spec sheets go, and so look to advances in our understanding of human physiology that have been made in the last 50 years instead.

For example, the human ear/brain system uses higher ordered harmonics in order to sense sound pressure. This is easy to prove with very simple test equipment and this fact has been known for decades, but the spec sheets and what we think of as ’good specs’ still ignore this simple fact!
But many high end designers, including Nelson Pass and John Curl (both giants in the high end designer pantheon) understand that designing the equipment to not make certain types of distortion to which the ear is keenly sensitive will result in a better sounding amplifier, even if other types of distortion (to which the ear isn’t very sensitive at all) are present in higher quantities. It is this fact that is why tubes are still commonplace in high end audio.

A further fact about how the ear/brain system perceives sound is that all forms of distortion are converted into some form of tonality. The 2nd harmonic contributes to ’warmth’; the 7th harmonic (in much lower quantities!!) contributes to a harsh metallic quality. Both are colorations, and the ear has tipping points where these colorations predominate over frequency response; IOW you can have flat frequency response yet the system won’t sound flat at all due to the kind of distortion the amp makes.

The above quoted statements don’t take this into account.

What is needed is a weighting system, so that the distortions that the ear cares about are given more weight than those it does not. Spec sheets would look a lot different if that were the case!
Anyway, a well-designed amp that sounds good to the ears probably won’t have "good" distortion specs as it will likely have more lower ordered harmonics, but it will **sound** better and **more neutral**, if the designer was careful in the design. You won’t see that in cheaper gear- its all designed to look good on paper.

So yes, there can be an appreciable difference between high end and mid-fi gear.
Maybe the OP should present his argument on the Naim Forum and see the response.  Naim Audio seem to have a nearly a 'cult' following who share their musical love with the 'Naim sound'.  Maybe they should be invited to proper staged blind listening tests and see if they can tell the difference.

Re. “…there can be an appreciable difference between high-end and mid-fi gear”

Yes—but, by large margin, that “appreciable difference” is often just $$$$. And that’s not a very compelling distinction.

The assigned job of the power amplifier is to accurately amplify the signal, not to reshape it in some pre-contrived way that renders sound more euphonic. This latter function is best relegated to the loudspeaker system.

Any departure from accurate reproduction of the incoming signal represents amplifier error. And amplifier error represents unintended distortion of the incoming signal. It doesn’t matter if the distortion encompasses frequency response, or extraneous harmonics, or waveform shape, or added noise—it’s an inaccurate portrayal of the incoming signal. I personally subscribe to the school that says accuracy improves when any form of distortion is minimized, and many solid-state power amplifiers meet that criteria quite well today. Differences are often more a matter of power output capability, load impedance sensitivity, and reliability, and you need to get in deeper than mere listening to evaluate the value impact.

I have recently installed my old amp because my 'new' amp is going for an upgrade. Both are the same SS brand, one just higher up in the  series. Even in our acoustically very bad living room I was surprised to hear the difference when playing at low to low/medium volume. Crank it up though, and the acoustics of the room make the differences in amplifiers inaudible. 

So Peter Aczel, of the Audio Critic to my ears is wrong and I wasn't even trying to hear difference, it was just obvious in casual listening. I also don't have great ears anymore. They get tested for work every few years so I know have a slight dip in my left ear. 

Maybe Peter listens at high volume, who knows.
 see link
I run some of these and even to a trained musician they beat All the usual players in Hi Fi.
anyone else using similar?