Magnepan 3.6 or 3.7

I have a chance to buy mint 3.6s for $2,000 or mint 3.7s (not "i") with mye stands for $3500.  Both cherry wood.  I currently own 1.6s.  Please weigh in.

Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmagnepanmike
If you can stretch the budget ever so slightly, the 3.7's would be a much better buy. The Mye stands are definitely a big improvement. Also, the 3.7's are going to keep their value better if you ever decide to upgrade in the future.
I do not bi-amp, but I do bi-wire my 1.6's, which cannot be done with the 3.7's. I assume that is not a big deal anymore if Magnepan no longer offers the option, due to the new xo design?
Leaning towards the 3.7's based on the early responses. Keep em coming!
I love my 3.5s.  I loved my SMGas, .6s, 12s and 2.7s, but wouldn’t go back. I believe with Maggies, every generation brings improvements.  Get the newest you are comfortable purchasing.  
I bought new 3.6 in May of 2010. A few months before the 3.7 came out.Older 3.6 could be as old as built in 1999.I sold my 3.6 through my dealer on consignment and they sold for $2000. (I bought 20.7 Maggies this year.)Either way the3.6 or 3.7 is going to be a good speaker.One point is: How far are you from MInnesota? Say you need the 3.6 reglued? can you do this or send them to Magnepn. If you are in Australia.. buy the 3.7 !!!!! If in Iowa, go for the 3.6 IF you want to save money. The Mye stands alone are worth $500 easy.So it is a toss up! If you have the money I say buy the 3,7.The ’i’ upgrade you can get later is you are close enough to Minnesota to afford the freight
Thanks everyone for your feedback.  I've decided on the 3.7s, based on your responses.  I live in Iowa so it's easy for me to drive them up to the factory for the upgrade should I choose do do so.

Once again, thanks!