AC Regenerator

Does anyone who has a hi end system use a AC regenerator?
If yes, how much (%) the sound becames really better?
Which is the best brand? 

Thanks a lot,

Holy cow!!! that things expensive.... You guys got too much free $$$$.
a pure sinewave UPS with an external THD and scope digital analyzer and protection from loss of power is like 1/2 that cost. the many utility transformers and line losses are irrelevent to your final load after the UPS also with better than 1 volt regulation. and you can run 5-7000 watts not only 2000. IM in the wrong business... LOL.
If a digital bigscreen is improving from a line feed correction something else is wrong with your system. sorry. maybe if things were still analog you would have a excuse.
I say do as you with its your money..
the intergrated scope and analyzer is calibrated to whos and what standards- NIST-MIl Std. with what traceability????
My PPP also was a problem with my Plasma. The PPP fan would turn on full blast, and even if the Plasma got turned off, the fan never shut off, Until I turned the PPP off. back it the fan would remain silent, Until the next time. I sold it.
@sacresta ... you mentioned NYC in one of your earlier posts in this thread.  If you’re located here (as I am) — or in any urban environment — then I think your interest in a regenerator is especially warranted.  I’m in Brooklyn with sometimes OK AC and oftentimes awful AC.  I started with a PS Audio P3 and now have a P5.

I noticed the benefit of regeneration immediately, but it took upgrading to realize what I had.  After removing the P3 from my system, and while waiting for the P5, I remember struggling to listen to my system at all ... it just wasn’t all that pleasurable after experiencing my system on regenerated power.  It was frustratingly variable and usually struck me as harsh and unfocused.  Getting regenerated power back in my system was a huge relief.

Overall, PS Audio was/is a dream to deal with, and you may find a unit in the P3/P5/P10 series or the newer P12/P15/P20 series to be indispensable.
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