Have you ever changed speakers to expereince a different "soundscape" or presentation??

Has anyone ever upgraded or changed speakers to experience a different "soundscape" or sonic presentation??

Whether right or wrong, I have always thought that different speakers CAN offer a different perspective on the music.played

Without tying this question to just sound staging and imaging,..... or planar, 'stat versus box speakers, has anyone been surprised or even stunned by listening to a familiar CD or LP, and believe it sounds different and more revealing than you ever have heard before? 


Congrats @lwin ! Can’t wait to hear them in your system Larry! I bet the Tektons are wonderful!
 I’ve heard the Tekton monitors a few times, and I like them, but your Ulfbrechts are sure to be on a different plateau. 
I'm hooked on my speakers and amp, but have changed CDP for this reason...
No. I don’t like flavoured speakers. I do like flavoured electronics - like tubes!

I think of a speaker as being like a lens - you want it to be as transparent as possible with the least distortion possible. This allows you to hear what the source and electronics are doing.
I have auditioned many many top speakers.  I have fallen in love with the new line of Vandersteen carbon's as they are at the most correct tonally that I've auditioned.  I have owned Proac's, Maggies, Apogee's, Paradigm, Linn and a few other speakers.

I was a die hard tube amp guy, but since the MS, I need a SS amp. I am currently using the Ayre AX5/20 and QX5/20 dac/streamer.  Both are different than what I have had in prior. Ayre is neither tube nor SS in sound.  It's pretty correct tonally to my ears.  Throws a stage that seems to be pretty accurate. I have had a few reference recordings on the system when a friend who's a producer brought over his reel to reel.  He said that my system was outstanding in that is was so close to what he felt he laid down.  That made me feel very good.  I was upset when he wouldn't let me keep the deck, lmao.  

I have The Memory Player server/streamer/DAC on order as an upgrade and will get the new Vandersteen mono blocks as soon as Richard starts to produce them in the next month or so I assume.  
Yes, on my first audition of the Harbeth 40.2's.  They trounced by previous "favs", the Vienna Acoustics Liszt's.  Above all, in the "holographic" department.  Almost spooky in that regard.  (A large room didn't hurt...)