Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)

We started frequent testing of power cables at the beginnig of this century, since 2002 to be precise. AC-power is actually the foundation of any audio system. It feeds and provides every sound system with the necessary energy. Fifteen years ago we were already surprised how much impact different power cables could have on the end result of any system.

In nearly 20 years AudioFacts carried out thousands of tests especially in audio. We distinguish ourselves from others by structurally spending much time at research and test work, in which we think and work by our Tru-Fi philosophy.

When you're working from Tru-Fi in audio you always focus on all the different properties that sound possesses. You can understand audio only when you exactly know why the sound and stage of your audio system is as what you're listening to.

Therefore you should know of each individual component in your system the full DNA (properties) it owns. Because the sound you hear from your own system is formed by all properties of each individual component together, the acoustics and other factors that affect the sound negatively.

Most people still have no idea of how important power cables actually are. In 2004 we already had created a method to convince customers that they are essential in each system. That is why we figured out shootouts so we could prove how important power cables actually are.

We did a shootout between a cd player of 2000 euro and a power cord of 2400 euro. Against a 5000 euro cd player along with our most sold power cable of 100 euro.

Almost everyone had a preference for the cd player of 2000 euro combined with the power cable of 2400 euro. While everyone was convinced that the most expensive cd player would become the winner.

Working from Tru-Fi it becomes so much easier for us to hear and understand the differences between brands and power cables exactly. In over 15 years we've tested many power cables. And the differences between all these power cables of different brands are huge.

Tru-Fi shows us that Audioquest power cables are able to reveal all the different properties sound possesses. But in addition, the most important properties also reveal a natural sound and realistic proportions of voices and instruments.

All our tests in cables over the years showed that unfortunately there are several brands which cannot reveal all the different properties of sound. And in addition, certain properties are not filled in the right way. We found out that various cable brands present both voices and instruments out of proportion (often too big).

In reality both voices and instruments are very direct (tangible) and small in proportion. We call that 'intimate' individual focus. In addition, various cables emphasize a certain frequency range, but you want the full frequency range to be evenly played.

The Hurricane is a power cable by Audioquest from the all-new 'Storm Series'. And it cannot even be compared to the previous power cables from Audioquest. Because it is a new level in quality that stands on its own in its price range.

A number of years ago, Audioquest hired AC-power specialist Garth Powell. From his knowledge and insight he has developed new AC-power products for Audioquest. And the Storm Series are the first new power cables he developed.

AudioFacts knows from all our research and test work how important AC-power is and that this is a profession on its own. We continuously share information with various specialists in specific parts in sound&vision. That is why it is nice to see that even Audioquest now specializes in this part.

The Hurricane also features a new DBS battery pack. That has become even more effective now that the bandwidth is increased. In addition, the level in noise is also decreased. Because the cable is twisted now it decreases the level of interference also.

Audioquest uses the best quality in solid copper (PSC+) for the Hurricane, which they apply in all their best copper cables. This can be heared by a richer sound with even more diversity (layering). And there is more grip and control in the high frequencies. And it also creates a more powerful low frequency range.

In part 2 we will explain in details why the Hurricane is so different compared to the older Audioquest powercables. But also compared to other competitors.

Yes we must have fun with this hobby, I agree. When Bo begins to add his two cents, I must admit I laughed till the tears came. about being full of yourself.  I am opinionated to say the least, but I'm not in Bo's league.  lol.  The irony is that I use only AQ cabling.  I have used Onkyo in the past.  Pass makes some good gear.  I like Ayre better, but I also don't like Nelson's distaste for dealers and how he 'sells' via that Reno company, new gear at B stock prices.  
People keep playing with the first or last 3 to 6 feet, depending on how you look at it.  I inserted ofc wire from my panel to a distribution block. No outlet in the wall to the block.  Direct connect.  Block to panel.  My equipment is feed from one circuit out of the distribution strip.  That was a larger gain than any one power cord to a device.  More thought should for into the 20 to 60 feet from your panel to your rack.  Material is costing me about $5 to $8 a foot. 
Try the cryo wire and you will also probably hear a positive difference. There are some filters on the main panel also, but I don't have them handy to share that link.  My friend has done that.  

that said, the Hurricane's have made such a major difference in my system, that I now want to buy the Niagara 5000 and sell my Niagara 1000.  I run two dedicated lines to my system, but am only using the one for the Niagara now. I will have the second line installed behind each speaker for it's internal subs and I am ordering the Thunder cable for the speakers today.
I am making another feed from my panel that will be a blend of ofc and mil spec silver coat cu with limited shielding.  

I'm not so interested in chrio.  IMO, once a cable is fully broken in, the chrio makes little difference.  I don't think many decent cables use chrio copper either.  Maybe I am wrong.  I never heard much difference between signal or power tubes, chrio or not.  The chrio might have been a little brighter.   Maybe they last longer, not sure.  My wall power should be good for 50 years or more so that should outlast me.  You can also take it with you if you move,  hopefully the new location is as long or shorter a run.

I am interested in the Hurricane,  but we are talking $14k for 7 power cords.  That better be some good cu as Rhodium Furutech ends would be about $1.2k in parts. That's leaves $12.8k for 35 feet of wire.  That's $365 a foot.  I guess if your earning $350k or more a year it's a tolerable expense.  Rewiring from my panel for $5 a foot for a total of $120 and a huge gain is a lot better deal.  I do benefit by being a Journeyman electrician.  I do the labor myself.  I would charge $500 for a full day of labor to run wire, properly bond and ground a panel.  People leave a lot on the table there too.  Grounding and bonding that is.  I think a lot of my noise floor dropped as I have a much more precise relation between Hot, neutral and ground now eliminating micro voltage difference or ground loops.

I'm scarred of power conditioners.  I always heard the ones I tried. They benefit some gear and hurt other.  It's an expensive shot in the dark.  What have you found the audioquest to benefit.  I have tube amps and preamps.  Digital front end as well as tube phono pre.