What colour area rug

I need a rug to run from behind my sitting position up to where my speakers are. I wanted to have my hardwood floor visible from the front wall to where I put my feet up. My room gets a ton of natural light, my whole left wall has a window that runs along 2/3 of the wall  and my room is painted eggshell white. Currently I have a shaggy cotton rug that's black and seems to suck in a lot of light

also any ideas what material rug to get? Cotton? Wool? Shag or no shag?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
Acoustically my experience is that wool is best, at least medium weight to deliver some absorption. At all costs avoid synthetic rugs which sound harsh
I have a question ,but it has nothing to do with your OP.
Is it possible to ask a question on AudioGon to a member without interfering in a thread ?
You seemed to know better than me , how it works here.
For example, if l want to ask you a question about , lets say , your DAC .
This is strange but there is an ad for rugs , eSaleRugs,  at the bottom of this thread at least on my tablet give them try.  I know they can track your browsing habits but are they reading forum posts now?