Another amateur in need of advice

Hello all. I'm basically as green as they come, and am looking for some advice in putting together my first 2- channel audio system. Looking to keep it analog, with vinyl playback being the primary purpose of this whole escapade. If I feel compelled to stream something, i would just get a decent bluetooth receiver to appease the crowd of an informal get-together. 

I am looking to experience an "audiophile-grade" sound, but one that is also a giddy and involving listen. Some bass presence would be welcome (newb). In any case, I would prefer to keep the budget under $5k. First question - do I need an integrated amplifier? Can I just get an amplifier and connect the Lounge phono stage that I'm leaning towards? Or connect a CD player or radio tuner? Basically, does a power amp require a pre-amp, which it seems that an integrated provides? As far as integrated amps, I was first leaning towards the newer Rega Brio, but then I heard about the Rogue Sphinx V2. But then I read about all the noise issues with the Sphinx, which really turned me off from it. Noise issues would really steal the jam from my doughnut. The Heed Elixir seems to tick a lot of boxes, but it also seems that it really imparts it's own texture to the music. Maybe that's a good thing? A budgetary stretch - the Croft integrated looks pretty dang cool. If I only need an amplifier rather than an integrated for my purposes, any opinions on the Croft Series 7? 

As far as speakers, I'm as lost as the previous paragraph suggests. Right now leaning towards the Quad S-2, but was considering the KEF LS50 until I read that they sound best with a more powerful amp. Ditto for the Dynaudio Excite X14. And apparently the LS50s are rather bright sounding? Was not considering floor-standers until I found out that the Monitor Audio Silver 300s are pretty easy to drive. Every gosh-darn review I read only sends me deeper down the spiral of confusion and indecisiveness. 

My turntable choice is pretty set - the Mofi ultra deck with the better cartridge. Since it's $2200, it kind of eats up the budget considering the additional costs of cabling and, potentially, speaker stands. But it seems that it's the sort of component that I'll keep for life. 

I'd appreciate any words of guidance and wisdom! Have a good one! 
Having dealt professionally with music for 30 years I will challenge one of the previous posts. The biggest mistake you can make is NOT Spending enough on speakers ! The final quality of what you hear depends more than 90% on those components that transform the  signal back and forth form electrical to mechanical / digital. Hence speakers first and cartridge and DAC second. Any competent amplifier / cable combo will do. Take this to the extreme, try it out. Build a system with a 400 $ amp and a 4.000 & speakers; then do the opposite, 400 & speakers and 4.000 dollars amp. Do you hear any difference ? Which one sounds better ? Any dealer will be able to help you with that test.
I want to add to my previous post. I truly believe the industry as a whole is forcing us, the users, to over weight the importance of electronics. How often do you change electronics and how often do you change speakers ? Electronics of far easier to deal with / sell / buy / exchange. Speakers are not, they are bulky. But sound quality depends 90% on them IMHO.
This is more complicated and far beyond the scope of this thread.
I would say that at this performance level it should be close to even for each of the three active components - source, amp, speakers, unless you plan to upgrade very soon. Speakers could be a little more than the other two.
$4k speakers will sound terrible with $400 amp, the other way around - it depends on many things.
For the many good floor standing Loudspeakers  a good bookshelf or monitor Loudspeaker , with a decent subwoofer can play lower Bass, and for sure 
image better  then the majority of Floorstanders dollar for dollar unless spending $$ .the less surface area the better regarding reflections .and better 
chance of thespeaker disappearing in the room . And Bass such as Syzgy 
are very fair priced and have Bass Room EQ as well as apps to control and Taylor the Bass from your 
tablet or phone . For in the $3k range with  subwoofer . Allways shop to see about where you can get the best deal with shipping included 15-20% is about the average ,never pay retail  prices on Anything . I have owned both  your room 
will dictate this . The Monitor platinum 300 ,or 500 both greatbuys as well as awards just for an example , Elac also . Maggie, Martin Logan especially Maggie 
need more room behind them as well as side walls. You have to take everything 
in to consideration and will your amp hav3 the power to drive these to the volume 
you expect .a less efficient speaker like 86db 4 ohms needs 2 x as much as a 90
db speaker roughly . Best of luck in  your selections.
Wow - I’m stunned by all your responses. Thanks for taking the time!

I’m going to start pecking at this knot as I can, seeing which direction to take as things reveal themselves. I live in NYC (Queens, 20 minute subway from manhattan), and I just found out there’s a small hifi shop down the road from me - only deals Rega and Exposure. Definitely going to check it out today. To be honest, I’m pretty intimidated by the manhattan stores - a lot of high-rollers in that part of town, auditioning wilsons and the like.

@jrpnde @beernut I really dig the NAD C326BEE’s seeming straightforwardness and aesthetic. But then the Exposure stuff and the Belles Aria seem to take that same approach and build on it. And from what I read, the Aria also has a fantastic phono stage.

Would it be ill-advised to pair a more sensitive speaker with a more powerful integrated amp like an Exposure or the Aria? Would it cause distortion, or something? Or is it more artful than that, like some of the responses have suggested? Thanks, and happy gosh-darn Friday!