What colour area rug

I need a rug to run from behind my sitting position up to where my speakers are. I wanted to have my hardwood floor visible from the front wall to where I put my feet up. My room gets a ton of natural light, my whole left wall has a window that runs along 2/3 of the wall  and my room is painted eggshell white. Currently I have a shaggy cotton rug that's black and seems to suck in a lot of light

also any ideas what material rug to get? Cotton? Wool? Shag or no shag?
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For best sound walls should be blue 🧢and the ceiling should be green 🐸. Been there, done that. I’m not hot doggin ya! 🌭Oft times no rug at all sounds better than a rug or carpet. It all depends. Proceed with caution. 
Don't get Berber. Hard to clean. A well made nylon rug will suffice. Choose a favorite color that goes well with your furniture. Keep in mind that dark colors will show every piece of lint and other things that are not noticable with lighter colors.
They seem to be using cotton now for wire insulation. That would probably sound best. Just sayin...