Is there actually a difference?

Speakers sound different - that is very obvious. But I’ve never experienced a drastic change between amps. Disclaimer that I’ve never personally ABX tested any extremely high end gear.

With all these articles claiming every other budget amp is a "giant killer", I’ve been wondering if there has ever been blind tests done with amplifiers to see if human ears can consistently tell the difference. You can swear to yourself that they do sound different, but the mind is a powerful thing, and you can never be sure unless it’s a truly blind test.

One step further - even IF we actually can tell the difference and we can distinguish a certain amp 7/10 times under extreme scrutiny, is it really worth the thousands you are shelling out to get that nearly-imperceivable .01% increase in performance?

Not looking to stir up any heated debate. I’ve been in audio for several years now and have always thought about this.
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Looking at basic specs like damping factor and THD+N doesn't tell you much of anything about an amp. I'd rather have an amp with .01% THD+N with a beautiful negative 2nd harmonic than one that's .001% and all high odd order distortion.
The problem is that spec sheets generally don't tell you information like this- so it can easily appear that two amps are measuring the same when in fact they are not. I regard that as the bigger problem- the spec sheets are an attempt to make the gear look better on paper than it really is- a good example of the Emperor's New Clothes.

Actually an amplifier that exhibits a 3rd harmonic as its primary distortion component will have overall inherently lower open loop (no feedback) distortion than one that makes a 2nd.
Indeed. And you and I both know why. Well matched parts. When we talk about measurements here I'd like to think we're talking about more than the most basic facts on the side of the box. To really understand what a distortion figure means it needs to be related to an FFT. I don't think .005% is very impressive or desirable if it's 5th order. 

"sounds better" is very subjective.  Totally depends on what one is listening for.  If one doesn't really know what real symbols sound like (vs electronic generated), violins, pianos, vs electronic, then how would they know it is accurate?

And just to be clear.  Unless a component has exactly the same transfer function as another different piece, there is no way it is going to operate, let alone sound the same.

The ability to drive difficult loads.  How robust is the power supply?  etc.  You can make an amp that sounds acceptable at low levels driving easy loads.  But, when you really need power (not volume), it is like trying to get large flows of water through a small diameter pipe.  not going to happen.  That is why power supply design to date is still extremely important.

This is similar to discussions about wine.  lots of people can't tell the difference between a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Merlot, let alone tell you the nuances of the wines.  But, a simple test and they will.  have them taste a wine, then have them smell certain items that are found in the wine, like earth, certain fruits, etc.  Then ask them to taste the wine again.  The majority that I've seen all of a sudden can taste these things in the wine.  Why?  because they now know what to taste for.

Same for music reproduction.  play live unamplified music, then recorded music with the same instruments.  or even music they know well.  See if they don't tell you the instruments sound not quiet real on their recorded music.  if, the system or certain components aren't quite up to task.

To me, it totally depends on who's listening and what they are listening for.


There is no doubt in my mind that I could tell the difference between the Pass labs amp that is my main go-to amp and my previous go-to amp the Aesthetix Atlas.  There are of course amplifiers that sound very similar.  That would not be those two.  Both very fine amplifiers and I still go back to the Atlas every now and then.  So undoubtedly.  The differences are not subtle.