what does everybody think about 120hz and lcd's

I just bought a new samsung 52" lcd with 120hz processing and impressed with the picture. I was wondering what other people thought of them?
I bought the new 37" LG Scarlet for the bedroom, it's 1080i and 120 Hz. After I readjusted the color it's stunning.
I bought a Sony 52XBR about 8 months ago. It's personal preference, but I do not like glossy reflective screens. Seems like plasma was especially glossy. I also have a Samsung BD player. I am very impressed by it's ability to upconvert regular DVDs. I have learned the hard way, though, to look for the magic words anamorphic and/or enhanced for widescreen on those DVDs. The only Blu-ray I own is Fools Gold (great movie!). There is a point in the movie, on the yacht, where the camera pans from the bar to the other side of the room. That pan was choppy at 60hz, but almost perfect at 120hz. I'm impressed.