Best Cartridge for $1000-$1350?

Hello... I have an RPM3 turntabe (Sumiko Blue Point No. 2) with a Tube DS preamp (Golden Lion tubes). Im considering upgrading the cartridge. What MC cartridge in the price range of $1000-$1350 works good with this type of turntable/tonearm and preamp? I listen to Classic Rock (40%), Pop (30%), Greek (20%), Jazz/Orchestra (10%). In order of importance: Sonics, Soundstage, Air, Musical, Detail, Frequency Response, I guess the holy grail. Hope you can help. Thanks.
The Bluepoint is a fine sounding cartridge in of itself. Especially with the RPM3.

But +1 for the Shelter - simply incredible and .5mV
Also +1 for the Hana SH or SL. Stereophile raves about them in their newest issue. I have the SL on my Sumiko FT-3 tonearm/VPI HW-19 Mk 4 rig and it sounds beautiful. The SL is .5mV while the SH is 2mV.
Have been using a ART9 for about a year now. The best features are:
1) A soundstage that is not only wide but so deep sometimes the sound seems to be coming from outside in my front yard.
2) Best bass responce I have ever heard. Tight, clean and bold without being in your face.
3) The .5mv output is perfect for my pre which has 60db gain.
4) Tracks like a coon hound. Clean and open all the way to even extreme inner groove records.
5) Makes records sound 20 years younger. The uber small line contact diamond is using mostly unused portions of the groove.
6) Very easy to align properly.
7) Some say it is analytic sounding, to me it is faithfully reproducing  what is in the groove. Old Brubeck Columbia 2 and 6 eyes never sounded better.
7) I now have about 350 hours on it and it keeps getting better. Every session with familiar material reveals new details. 2 days ago I played my RL mastered "The Nightfly" and the piano solo during "Ruby" was simply stunning. The piano was sitting 6 ft from me with my eyes closed.

For $860 I doubt if you could buy a better OVERALL cartridge that sounds excellent with all genres of music. YMMV
I love my ART9.  I like it more than my previous Dynavector that was pricer. If your preamp can handle it then it may be a fit. I use a Manley Chinook pre.  The cart is superb at most any price.  

Soundstage, imaging, bass and clarity are top notch. It was this cart and the Chinook that made my vinyl best digital for me with a clear winner.