Best TT under $1k

I’m looking to get into vinyl but don’t really no where to begin. I’ve been doing ample research on what TT to buy but am seeking the opinions of the A-gon community. I’m looking to spend under a grand, $750 if I can get away with it. (new or used)

Some units that I’ve looked at online:

Pro-Ject Debut Carbon DC Esprit SB Turntable – $599
Rega Planar 2 Turntable – $675
VPI Cliffwood Turntable – $900
Rega Planar 3 Turntable – $945
Technics SL-1200MK2

Criteria in order of importance:

- Sound quality
- Must include cart
- Excellent build quality
- Upgrade-able. Usable now but can upgrade down the road.
- Easy to setup/ use/ maintain



I wouldn’t let the inclusion of a cartidge dictate your purchase. If you want a very good NIB table with warranty, the Pioneer PLX-1000 is the best value by a country mile. Order it from somewhere like Needle Doctor or Music Direct and ask them to install a cartridge like the

Keep in mind that your analog system will need a phono preamp unless your receiver or integrated (or separate line stage preamp) already has one built-in. I’d go with the Mo-Fi Studio Phono at $250. This would put you a little over budget at MSR prices, but most dealers will gladly grant a 10% discount simply for asking. Tell Needle Doctor you’d like the whole package for $1K. That would yield a very respectable starter system IMO and provide a path to support should you run into any problems.
There is a Denon DP6000 for sale $790 on another site related to an audio asylum.
You can do quite well in the used market for your price range. As already recommended, a vintage VPI (HW-19 or even an HW-19 Jr.) will serve you well. There are many other options that will serve you as well as (or better than) the options you've listed.
You can do much better than the Technics SL-1200mk2 with a SL-1600mk2 (fully auto, double isolated with spring suspension and same motor as the 1200) or the SL-1700mk2 semi-auto or SL-1800mk2 manual version. They cost more than the SL-1200mk2 but they are a much better turntable. Start off with an AT95E or AT95EX and save up a few $$ for an Audio-Technica VM540ML and you won’t be disappointed. It may take a little searching for a little while to find one of these turntables, but don’t give up. I found a fixed-upper SL-1700mk2 and restored it myself, and I could not be happier. Oh and another reason to avoid the SL-1200mk2 is because nearly all of them have been thrashed by idiot rap-dj’s. 
After owning a few different tables, I bought a very clean, used sl1200 mk2 from a buddy for $250. 

None of my previous tables were very high end, but some were decent. Rega P2, other somewhat vintage tables. I always seemed to work hard and worried that alignment was off, and was forever fooling with protractors.

After getting the 1200, I bought an overhang gauge, installed a $100 AT cartridge, and have been playing lps (without stress) for years. It’s nice that I can also adjust VTA on the fly. 

The 1200 was the perfect match for me. Different strokes, of course.

Kind regards-