PS3 or DVD1800BD

I have a PS3 and I'm wondering if I should "upgrade" to the denon DVD1800BD or it's bigger brothers. The denon Blu ray players don't have wireless so Blu ray live (the online content?) won't work I'm guessing. I'm wondering if bitstream will sound better than the PS3's output (linear PCM). For my taste, the PS3 video looks great on my samsung but I'm wondering if the sound quality will be significantly better. I have a denon 4308ci as my a/v receiver. Any insights would be appreciated.
I dont know why so many insist even argue the PS3 is a great (and some say greatest) Blu Ray player out there, sure if you like games and the storage its a good option.
I have never felt a all in one box is better than a dedicated unit designed to just one thing great, when you stuff 10lbs of crap into a 5lb bag somethings gotta give.
The 3 is loud and average IMHO but it is a solid value for what it is and never would disagree with ones choice.
Any blu-ray player properly designed and integrated to pass 1080p will look the same video wise,with the exception of certain machines capability's to tweak the PQ. Now, as far as audio,thats a whole nuther story...

I am TOTALLY with Chadnliz on this one, you are dreaming if you believe video is video! Either that or you have such a small and lame TV that you have no way to discern any difference.
02-02-09: Kennyt

I am TOTALLY with Chadnliz on this one, you are dreaming if you believe video is video! Either that or you have such a small and lame TV that you have no way to discern any difference.

The biggest differences that one will see are the quality of the bd transfers and the tv in use.I will say that there are "very small variations", player to player, but an across the board wholesale improvement between players,dream on. If you want to throw good money after bad, well, have at it...

Oh! My tv of choice is the Pioneer kuro pro 150.
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