The Best Piano Works of the 20th Century

My nonimations are:

Vignt Regards sur L’Enfant Jesus by Olivier Messiaen, and

The People United Will Never be Defeated by Frederic Rzewski

How about you?
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Ligeti - Etudes
The last one might miss the 20th century (2001) but I always found these very enjoyable. I just realized I don’t have the third book :(

I am going to mention 3 works I did not see above that I think have to be on this list.  First, the Shostakovich piano quintet and his piano trio number 2.   I would also add the Prokofiev Concerto #3.    A couple more pieces that I would not necessarily call great works, but works that I perceive to be under appreciated.  Those would be the Copland piano concerto, and Symphony no. 3 by Rued Langaard (you either like Langaard or you don't).  

I'd love to see @devilboy, @schubert, @frogman, and @learsfool weigh in on this thread.  Especially with respect to hidden gems that beg for more play time. 
I wouldn’t call Shostakovich’s Trio #2 for Violin, Cello, and Piano, a piece for piano, but it is certainly one of the great masterpieces of the 20th Century.