What is the weird "fisheye" pic on so many items?

What is the weird "fisheye" pic on so many items? Seems about ½ listings have this limited view.  Why would you post this way or is it related to the Featured premium price?
Ag insider logo xs@2xwilliam321
I am in 100% agreement that a lot of sales have been lost due to that silly move.
And yes they caved and gave us an option to go back to classic view but new visitors do not see or know that and end up thinking WTF and just leave as it looks insane.

Pride comes before a fall......
It seems like "featured listings" do not have the fisheye. I think that its an incentive to pay for an upgraded listing.
With all of the recent agon changes, the vast majority revolve about increasing  revenue.
Its a business......

Thanks for posting this, I was thinking about starting a thread til I saw yours.