Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound?

Can anyone name a <popular> DAC that produces a "warm-ish" output? 

Just grasping at straws here.  Thanks!
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" Take a look at the Doge 8.  Full tube analog output stage like the Lampi but signnificantly lower price."

Wow, I haven't read the review yet, but the Doge 7 looks very impressive for less than $1600.

Doge website: http://www.doge.audio
Review: http://www.tnt-audio.com/sorgenti/doge7_dac_e.html
The TEAC 503 and 505 both produce a wonderful sound which leans towards the warmer or analogue side of digital conversion. The unit can come as a simple plan DAC (UT) or Network and DAC unit (NT). I suppose they might be considered a poor mans Esoteric DAC or Network player. I have the NT-505 and love the music it makes from 1s & 0s. I can listen for hours without listener fatigue.