LARGE speaker shipping options???

I'm downsizing to a condo and need to sell my HT and stereo speakers which I plan on listing here (Audiogon). However I'm not sure about shipping. I have original boxes but have several large and over 200lbs each and 100lbs each speakers. I'm guessing these would have to go by a freight line. What is the SAP individuals are using and doing for this?

Just want to have all my ship(ping) in order before I list.
Ag insider logo xs@2xwilliam321
I would try to sell local for a half-decent price and not have the headaches.  You go through all the trouble of shipping and they get damaged, or the buyer "claims" they are damaged and then you have to deal with insurance, refunds...   Not worth it, IMO.  
Sell local, take the loss and have peace of mind with cash and carry.  

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Buy a mini van near the shipping point, put the speakers in it, and have the van shipped to you by a car carrier service. When the van arrives take the speakers out (very important in this scenario) and immediately sell it, as nobody wants to be seen driving one of those things.