Digital integrated alternatives to SET tube system


Recently I have been contemplating moving over to an all in one digital set up for my front end such as the Lyngdorf 2170 or Devialet 200 etc.  I have read the entire 2170 thread.

I currently run a tube pre to a Line Magnetic 508 (upgraded tubes on both) to Audionote AN-E Lx/He speakers (ANK kit 003). My source is mainly digital consisting of an Aries Mini running USB to my DAC. All interconnects are solid core silver.

I absolutely love the sound of my current set up but I don’t have any local dealer support or anywhere to test tubes etc. Any time I hear something "off" in my system, I’m reminded of this fact. Also the convenience factor of an all in one would be great and I’m sure my wife would agree!

I’m really looking for something that will sound amazing with my Audionotes. Most reviews I’ve found on these types of amps don’t really speak much on using them with high sensitivity speakers which makes sense in most cases. I do of course realize I will be giving up certain SET/tube characteristics.

I really like the Room Correction feature on the Lyndorf as well as having a few different EQ settings to play with, although they are "pre set".


1) Price $4600 US or $6000 Can used.

2) Must play nice with high sensitivity speakers and maintain dynamics/soundstage at lower volumes.

2) USB input would be a plus.

3) May or may not have an internal DAC.

4) I don’t like a lean/thin sound or truncated highs.

Please give me your recommendations and thoughts. Thanks.

@rodge827 I will give him a shout, thanks.  I do like the idea of more meat on the bones.  My music tastes are mostly modern folk/Americana, blues, reggae with everything else in between.  I'm not a very loud listener unless the Scotch is calling the shots so 25 watts would definitely suffice.
PS - I LIKE The D 3020! A great deal. :) 

I just don't expect it to match to speakers the same way. 
I run a Lyngdorf TDAI 3400 and Art Audio Diavolo SET 300b Tube Amplifier with a Luxman AS-55 amplifier switcher through its preamp output and love choosing between class d solid-state and SET tube amplification.  No reason to throw the baby out with the bath 🛀🏿 water.  Have your cake and eat it.  Solid-state on big music, SET sound on more intimate pieces.  It's great having choices. 
The Kinky EX M1 just cant get any love? I suppose it is too new and not many have listened to it yet..  

PS, Raven Audio is an impressive and upcoming Tube Amp maker. According to the owner the tubes last quite a long time. Their newest amps is $4,500 to be released in October i think..
I think you will need to pack those Audionote AN-E Lx/He speakers
into your back seat and dolly them into a few dealers for a few proper test runs. Sound like fun? No? Well the alternative will be less so I think