Is there a consensus as to blu ray sound quality?

I have no doubt missed it's probably been discussed ad nauseum on these electronic pages, but I still there a consensus of the sound quality differential between regular players and the new blu ray?
Of course the video qualities and disc qualities are apparently much upgraded into the blu ray tech, but does this mean the sound is as consistently better? Has anyone played one of Winston Ma's incredible FIM remakes on a blu ray, if so tell us about what you're hearing.
Also, am wondering if any of the CD mfgrs are planning audiophile versions of blu ray??
Consensus, too strong. Has anyone compared blu-ray to a regular player in terms of overall sound quality? Are there differences? Again, any word on a high end audio company making an audiophile version?
Based on Sony's history of developing and abandoning formats, I'd consider it fiscally risky to spend money on an expensive audiophile Blu-Ray player, unless one is OK with owning a player that becomes obsolete in five years.
True Tvad, but if we're to be realistic, everything digital is obsolete in, well, less than 5 years.
Though, of late, the improvements seem to be slowing and more incremental. Think of when, other than blu-ray, we had a so called revolutionary change.
Also, no one has commented on Winston Ma's silver and or gold coated CD's for his remasters. I know his 'regular' CD's are fantastic, as I have, I think, all of them up to about a year ago. How about those with gold or silver, anyone heard them?
02-13-09: Lrsky
True Tvad, but if we're to be realistic, everything digital is obsolete in, well, less than 5 years.

No it's not. Redbook CD has been around for more than two decades, and it's still a viable digital format in the commercial music market.

SACD and DVD-A, on the other hand, have either been abandoned or are marginalized into micro-niche markets. In fact, Sony has abandoned SACD on some of their current players.
Redbook may have been around, but because of improvements in digital reproduction, the sound we get from those discs has changed rather dramatically over the past 5 years.
Someone else who is more digitally savvy than me could address it more clearly, but I believe that the technology has increased exponentially over the past several years, (computer), not that CD reproduction has, even if it could be quantified in this mannner, but it has certainly gotten better.
My point wasn't that the sources were obsolete, but the playback devices seemingly make products of a certain age, obsolete; that is why I posed this post--is blu-ray the next step in terms of resolution, which according to some, so far answering the question, it is not.