Displaying your stereo on Facebook

Does anyone do this. I see a lot of risks in doing so. Theft Also this hobby is a little misunderstood being on the fringe. What are your thoughts?
"What's a facebook?"

I think it's a book with pictures of eyes, noses, lips, etc. It's used by people getting a new look from plastic surgery.

Well, I don't do it because no one I know would be interested and many I know would roll their eyeballs.

That said, If Audiogon didn't exist, Facebook would be a viable platform to share with audiophiles, and Facebook is far more private than Audiogone or any other sales platform so long as you set your security up properly. 

as I don't lay all of my eggs in one nest. I also conceal carry,

All your eggs may end being served on a plastic plate in jail or under the mortician's knife....lol
It is now legal to carry a sword in public in Texas apparently. Wow, we can all pretend to be a Jack Sparrow type swashbuckler........lordy.

I have a concealed carry permit too. In a world where a 16 year old can drive a car while texting, law abiding citizens carrying guns and geeks carrying swords are the least of our problems.

As far as risks of legally carrying a weapon, certainly no more than not carrying one. The risk of ending up in jail....well, only if you do something illegal. In the hands of a competent person the gun conveys no risk. In the hands of an incompetent or stupid person, same as anything else with incompetent  stupid people. They are the ones you need to worry about, not inanimate objects.