First Watt J2

I'm looking for an amplifier to drive my 8 ohm 94 dB DIY back-loaded horn single 6.5" driver speakers. Looking at the specs for the J2, it looks like it would be a good option as it appears to behave much like an OTL or a current source device. The F2 is another option but its voltage source behavior may be less suitable for these speakers. Am I looking the right way at the differences between these two amplifier designs and their suitability for this type of speaker design? I'm thinking of pairing my Aric Audio Unlimited tube preamp - 600 ohm output impedance, with the J2.
I had a J2 in my system for two weeks (borrowed from a friend).  It ran 99 db/w efficient system easily (I also don't play music that loudly).  I thought it was a very good solid state amp.  Unlike a lot of solid state gear, it did not sound lifeless and lacking in that indescribable "something" that keeps my attention; my mind tends to wander more when listening to solid state and I am just not as engaged.  It was also pretty decent with dynamics when listening at lower volume level (another strength of tube gear).  It was not as warm (bumped up in the upper bass) as some tube gear, but, then again it wasn't thin and harmonically bleached as some solid state and high-powered tube gear can be.  The only thing that really gave it away as being solid state is that it had a slight bit of an artificial edge or hardness to the initial attack of the note that I hear with most solid state amps.  I could easily live with the J2 and I am a committed fan of low-powered tube gear (I don't like most higher powered tube amps, with the exception of certain OTL amps).

I also heard a home built version of one of the First Watt SIT amps in the system of a friend (same person that loaned me the J2 built this amp).  It sounded really good driving a 105 db/w horn system.
kalali,I have 1.3 W SE EL11 Telefunken /in triod/ & EBF11 Telefunken /in triod/ & AZ1. This is my project. Im very glad. It drives my Fullrange 8 inch with added 12 inch bass speakers. If You are interesting, I can give You my amp for a few days to try with Your speakers and tell me Your opinion. I had projects 1 W amps, SEs 6P15P, 4P1L, 6CH6, 6LR8, 6BL7, 6N30P, 5687....I love 1 W SE!
The J2 is a pure single ended amplifier and that's the reason it halves it's power into half the impedance. It's most definitely a voltage source amplifier. If you're looking for a pure current source amp you want an F4. 0dB of voltage gain so you need a pre-amp or some flea amps that can make the voltage you need. 
Thanks for all the input. My current (integrated) amp for these speakers is a Sophia Electric Baby 10wpc push/pull version and they sound decent, especially vocals at lower volumes. Looking for something to upgrade and add more "body" in the mid/upper mid bass range. Definitely open to tubes as well. This is a second system so trying to keep the budget around $2K used.
You can use fullrange, bass and tweeter speakers. Fullrange 8 inch /no less/ for 50-14000 Hz /connected direct to amp, without crossover, that press the sound, that is most iportant/ for voices, simph. music, jazz...Bass 12 inch speaker for 30-35 Hz. And 2-3 inch speaker for 14-20 kHz. If You interest, I can explain about connection. I listen the same configuration and Im happy.