
Anyone here in constant upgrade mode?  Listening to the same choice records or CDs over and over again after some new change in gear?
 Unfortunately, I find myself in this mode far too often.  Eventually this becomes a way of life.
 Music becomes secondary to the latest tweak. As a retired musician, theoretically, this shouldn’t happen to me. But it does.  I should be listening to new works and comparing performances.
 It’s a dangerous trap!
No longer know what that is anymore.

Discovered Alan Maher Designs some years ago (power treatment solutions). At first I went along with it because I could tell after trying it that it was apparently a great way to enhance the sq of my setup...he makes various different filters for different apps and I simply never ran across a purchase from him I didn’t like.

After a few yrs of this and after a few thousand bucks however, the total effect was beginning to talk to me in unexpected ways. I kept finding myself torn between buying the next upgrade component and buying the piece of AMD.

A couple yrs ago I reached a new conclusion about it that I wasn’t expecting. After deciding to go with AMD for a while, just to see where that might go, I hit several musical performance breakthroughs with it. Enough to inescapably conclude for myself that, pound for pound, note for note, dollar for dollar, AMD was actually BETTER than upgrading! Yes, I just said that. Prior to that, did not know that anything could be better than upgrading. Had always been a tweaker, but any one single thing better?? Never had a clue that there even was such a thing.

Well, now that I’ve spent more than 10 grand on just the AMD, I have catapulted everything into several orders of magnitude better. That’s a helluva lotta cash, even if it has been spread out over the last 11 yrs. But, it made all the difference on my staying well off the marry-go-round, I have to say.

But, none of that would be worth a damn if it didn’t connect me with the music. This is Not everything I’ve ever been looking for, but it’s all that and much more than I ever dreamed I’d be able to afford or could ever expect to attain period. I have a $7.5k system. It easily added another zero to it’s value, at the very least.

But, I mean, I don’t dream anymore about what it would be like with something better. I don’t close my eyes and try to listen past anything anymore. There is nothing there that shouldn’t be and there is nothing missing that should be there. And everything in between is all-engaging, and is continually putting a smile on face, and has been doing so without fail for the last 2 yrs or so.

Best regards,
Between Audiogon forums and my dealer John at Audioconnection, I get plenty of leads on new upgrades.
Thankfully, each of these 'upgrades' has yielded a positive enhancement to sound reproduction. 
I now find my system is at a level that I would find hard to enhance (well, without spending a small fortune), so I will probably be slowing down on the tweaks.
I don’t find myself in constant upgrade mode, but I love to compare cables and amps to what I have. I submit I don’t know what I don’t know...meaning there may be something in my price range that provides better synergy with my speakers, but I won’t know unless I’m open to hearing other components. Moreover, listening to other components allows me to learn, grow in this hobby, and provide better advice based on actual listening.
I’m trying to remedy the condition. I don’t really have to know if the 2nd trombone player passed gas in measure 128. I’m trying to listen to the music first and the sound second.
BTW, if you do that, you get into the sound better anyway.