What do you LIKE BEST about your current audio system?

Straightforward.. What do you like the most about your current audio setup? Particulars welcome. Name names of brands. Stuff about the room good too!(I will also, but not in the lead out)       
Also, maybe, things you still dislike, if any?
I love how my rig sounds so good for relatively so little cost because I use some refurbished vintage gear. My slate AudioGrail Garrard 401with 12" Jelco 850 and Decca SG cartridge, Croft R phono preamp, Stu Remmington 1960s EICO monoblocs, top notch tubes, and Quad ESLs make music better than any show demo I've heard. A bunch of great 50s-70s jazz and blues recordings are a delight. Concrete floors help too.
I am very busy right now so not much time to listen. But when I do, I am pleasently surprised. Everytime, with nearly every recording.

For the last several years I was toiling to achieve a certain musical unity and balance for both my digital and analog front ends. For a while, I got pretty deep into the finer details of system tuning and component matching and sometimes neglected to sit back and just enjoy the music. Occasionally along the way, I would lift my head up and say “wow, its never sounded like that before!”

Now, upgraditis currently at bay.
I like the worldview, criteria and methods I employ in being an audiophile. The criteria and methods were hard won, that is took a long time and much effort to develop. But it has paid off, and continues to pay off big dividends.  :)
My brand new high performance hearing aids.....No just kidding, I do not have hearing aids.  I am retired and spend a lot of time listening to music.  For me, it is my Tidal subscription.  It has opened up a whole new world of music that I had never heard before.
I apologize for the repeat posts also. I got an error message and honestly did not see my posts displaying the first time...