Difference in sound using different carts when digitizing vinyl record?

Hello A'goners .......

I hope I am posting it in the right forum!

Here is my question - this is a hypothetical situation - if I digitize my vinyl record  while the record is played using any cart (cart #1) and then again play and digitize the same record using a different cart (cart #2), am I going to hear any sound difference typically attributed to two different carts? Everything else remain same in both cases i.e. the turntable, phono stage, DAC, preamp, amp, speakers, and all cables. The software to digitize is the same with identical setting. 

Did anyone of you do this or similar experiment? I am curious to know.

I bought a Sweetvinyl Sugarcube SC-1. I am wondering because of the conversion to A to D and then again D to A, it there a possibility that the sound differences from different carts are not so significant anymore?  Right now I do not have two carts, so can not do the experiment myself and report the results here. That is why I am asking the question and hoping to get some reasonable answers.  Please pardon my lack of technical knowledge.  

I would appreciate if we stay focused on the topic while discussing this. I do not want a debate of why I or anyone wants to convert analog to digital or one format is better sounding than the other.

Thanks and have a good day :)

@inna nope, stylus is the only thing that reads the groove. That has infinitely more impact on sound quality than anything else that is not in the chain of custody of the signal. 


"The staircase effect"?

Since I don't understand, I went to my "Modern Dictionary of Electronics" where I discovered a "Staircase Generator" produces an output wave form that has the appearance of a staircase.

"Staircase signal" a wave form consisting of discrete steps resembling a staircase.

I don't see how either one of those is applicable; could you clarify this "Staircase effect".

In reality, I have a computer expert with a degree in computer science who I consult. When I ask him for an explanation, he gives me that look that says; "You wouldn't understand it even after I explained it; what is it you want to accomplish?"

Once the signal enters the computer domain, it has no left and right channel, did you know that?
Sleepwalker, what holds the stylus in place? How accurately can it be set? Will it hold its settings?
We can argue forever. But all three are important, plus isolation and plus tonearm cable.
Yes, you will hear a difference, but when you A-B the two digital files, you will be surprised at how minimal the differences are, and how difficult it is to determine which is "better".